So I got my Roll bar in yesterday and it ended up taking us about 8 hours. First timers and some issues with sorting out the bolts. I wanted to document what we went through/ran into to see if this is somewhat normal or if this is more pain due to ongoing issues people have with the product I ended up buying.
I got in on the group buy for the Evil Genius Racing roll bar a while back. They had some early fitment issues with clearing the frame rails and that the holes in the seat belt tower mounting position were not large enough for the shouldered bolts.
These were the instructions that came with the bar. And really some of them were garbage.
Order of operations
1) battery disconnected
2) seats came out
3) carpet came up on the rear deck
4) plastic trim pieces over the seat belt reels had to come off (maybe before the carpet?
5) rear metal cover came off with bolts
6) rear fuel filler cover off in the trunk
7) try to dry fit the bar to see what needs to be cut
8) make the cuts, which ended up being larger than needed
Note: getting the bar around the battery cable and other stuff was a pain
At this point we noticed we could not get the bar to sit right against the rear firewall/whatever you call it because the mounting plate on the left hand main hoop leg is hitting the bracket/bolt that the seat belt reel is mounted to. We pull out the roll bar and use an angle grinder to take a chunk out of the mounting plate foot making a little notch
9) Bar is dry fit and fitting in place where it should be, we put the soft top up and make sure it clears everything seems fine
10) The directions for the seat belt bolts are completely wrong and don't even have the right spacers or bolts for an NA miata. It tells you to reuse the stock bolt on the inner hole. The inner hole has a nut welded into it while the stock bolt is a 3 inch bolt with only 1 inch of thread
See the nut here
11) At this point we are starving go to hit up Lowes for hardware and they don't have grade 8 7/16-20 bolts, neither does Home Depot. We finally find what we think we need at Ace Hardware and head back. Then we find out the bolts for attaching the roll bar to the seat belt mounting position are too long that we purchased.
12) finally have the right hardware and when we align one side of the roll bar with the seat belt towers the other hole is about 1/2 an inch off or almost a bolt thread width
We take a file to it and are able to make a hole that still fits the spacers and fits solid lining up to let us bolt the roll bar in
13) we drill the forward main hoop mounting plates and that goes fine
14) we drill the passenger side rear mounting holes with some creativity of using an air compressor grinding wheel with a drill bit to make a guide hole
15) we start drilling holes on the drivers side and the alignment is off on the rear leg (the bar is flush at the seat posts and the fire wall so its got to be the bar?)
The "inner" hole on the roll bar to match the backing plate would have been inside the fender as in not accessible from under the car
This is the driver side
This is the passenger side
This is with the front backing plates installed and the seat tower bolts are again in as well so I don't believe there to be any slop
16) We drill some new holes and flip the backing plate on the drivers side and get it bolted in
17) We start putting everything back together and wonder how the HECK are you supposed to get the plastic covers for the seat belt reels back on? They had to come off to get access to the bolts for the rear deck but at the same time there doesn't seem to be a way to get them on once you bolt in the roll bar?
So in the end its installed and the bar looks good in there and clears the soft top fine but is this at all a normal install experience in terms of things not always being perfect?