Am I even going to be able to get a hard top on with the HDHCDD roll bar? It's the regular version (not the hard top version) so it's a bit farther foward.
I know the correct answer to mount it is the SM brackets, but am I even going to be able to get the side latches on? I know we can get the plastic interior piece back out that covers it up (we put it back in after the roll bar was in) but it looks like getting the screws started will be tough.
I came across a good deal on a hard top, so I'm going to go ahead and pick it long as I can get it on.
Not likely. Luckily you don't NEED to run the side latches.
In most cases, you can run the Beatrush side latches with a rollbar. That's probably what I have to do if I ever get a rollbar...
3/21/13 8:42 a.m.
I had to sell my hardtop after buying a HDHC bar. There is no way to get the side latches on (which I was okay with), but the hardtop just barely rubbed the top of the bar and made all kinds of noise as the car flexed around. Also within 5 minutes of driving it like that, it cracked the paint on the outside of the hardtop on the spot that was touching.
It was SO close to fitting though, that I would say that it may vary case by case. I don't know how precise those roll bars are put together, but another 1/4" on my car would have cleared.
^Did your roll bar have the padding? I'm OK removing it because my seating position is so far foward.
Hmmm, I may have to tell the guy the deal is off. The price I'm getting it for means I could easily get my money back out of it........but if I can't use it, I don't really want to mess with it.
Yavuz, did your car have any extra stiffening done? My car has the roll bar, FM Frame rails and butterfly brace, the Frog Arms up front.
I know a lot of people used to make it work - use the bolt on side latches (which are really easy to bolt on/off) and you're good. But I have heard one or two reports of physical interference with the top in the past few years, which makes me wonder if Hard Dog has changed the jigs at all.
You know the best person to ask? Tom at Hard Dog. He's very approachable and friendly, and nobody knows the bars better.
Not sure if this helps you or not, but I never installed the side latches and never had a problem.
Keith Tanner wrote:
I know a lot of people used to make it work - use the bolt on side latches (which are really easy to bolt on/off) and you're good. But I have heard one or two reports of physical interference with the top in the past few years, which makes me wonder if Hard Dog has changed the jigs at all.
You know the best person to ask? Tom at Hard Dog. He's very approachable and friendly, and nobody knows the bars better.
Hmmm, Martha at Bethania says the Hard Core usually doesn't fit, sometimes rubs the Hard Top...........then Keith on the FM site it says it fits, just without side latches.
Like I said, it seems to be different these days. I'll probably have to update the site accordingly. What write here today trumps what I might have written for the site a few years back.
Worked for me. '91 and a '93.
and for god sakes, put some chassis bracing in the car!
3/21/13 11:22 a.m.
Ran a hardtop for a long time with no side latches. No issues. Have known many others who have run with no side latches with no issues. YMMV.
In reply to Keith: Yeah, it's tough. I know sometimes stuff that fits on one car won't fit on another.......just hesistant to screw with getting it (it's a 5 hour roundtrip away) then have money tied up in it while I try to get rid of it, if it didn't work.
In reply to DavidinDurango: Hard Dog Hard Core non-hardtop bar? And it fit fine? With padding?
I know the car is still pretty floppy. 
In replay to psteav: I think I could be OK without the side latches, but the idea it may not clear the roll bar is what bugs me.
3/21/13 2:06 p.m.
I have an HDHCDD non-HT on my 99, it fits just fine with an NB hard top minus the side latches. I did have to trim the padding to avoid rubbing/squeaking.
My rollbar is 14 years old though. :-)
My HDHCDD fits a 1990 hardtop with Beatrush side latches just fine, and thats with the Harddog SFI foam and leather cover installed.
Side latches won't work. I've got the "Hard Top" bar, and I had to remove the latches because they press against the bar and push the sides of the top out. I have no problems with just the front latches though.
Can't say if the regular bar will contact the roof though.
Are you guys all even talking about the same thing when you say "side latches"?
I'd use the SM brackets, not the OEM stuff.
Although it's kind of a moot point. I passed on it because I didn't want to order the brackets, spend most of today going to get it, to have it not work. Then have to turn around and try to sell it.
z31maniac wrote:
Are you guys all even talking about the same thing when you say "side latches"?
I'd use the SM brackets, not the OEM stuff.
Although it's kind of a moot point. I passed on it because I didn't want to order the brackets, spend most of today going to get it, to have it not work. Then have to turn around and try to sell it.
My hardtop is only attached with the frankenbolts in the back along with the front latches by the sunvisors, thats it.