I did a search and found some good info, just looking for anything I need to avoid. Looking for a minivan for a DD.$2000 or so. Not brand loyal. Looking at everything. People mover basically. Looking for good MPG, cheap parts and easy to work on. Only must have is A/C.Anything I should avoid ? Thanks for the input.
every person I've known with ford windstars and mopar minivans to not have problems with the automatic trans....
In reply to donalson:
Thanks for the input. CL has a 2000 Windstar for $800 leather, reverse is out though. Go fihure... 
...honestly for the right price i'd take either even with a going trans... use the 1200 you saved to rebuild...
most of my family is from MI... which means between mom and dad, aunts uncles and such there was a BUNCH of mopar vans around... not bad stuff for a mini van... big and roomy... and my dads grand caravan had no problem towing a grand am on a tow dolly across the country (although i'm sure that didn't help the trans any)
watch out for windstar rust. Ford is having a big issue with the subframes. Google the subject and see what you find.... I'd recommend a GM van, Astro or Safari.
I'll recommend the Chevy Venture. Ours has been a good vehicle, and you don't have to pay the Yuppie tax like you do with a Honda. It's fixing to cross 200K without any major/expensive repairs.
The Chevy replaced a Dodge that wasn't too bad. It did manage to blow a head gasket at around 50K. The Chevy drives better and has way more power.
In reply to Toyman01:
I think you mean Chevy Venture....
5/18/11 11:12 p.m.
I had a windstar at one time (mid 90's) I liked it for what it was. I've driven a few caravans and would never buy one just because I don't like how they drive, how the parking brake pedal tries to remove my ankle everytime I get out of the driver's seat, how the inside tires just spins in the rain on slow turns, how the windshield is angles. In short I don't like them, but my gripes are subjective and just my opinion. My in-laws have lots of miles (about 200k I think) on theirs and the only big issues are they've had to replace front end stuff twice due to wear. I guess ball joints, but not sure the extent.
I've driven a Toyota Sienna and ridden in Honda's. Both seemed good to me, but I don't know about the $2k versions (if they even exist).
I owned an astro for a long while... and I liked it for what it was... but I HATED every second I ever had to work on it... also long drives sucked due to leg room... the typical van hump kills foot room :(... typically got upper teens MPG
but it was a GREAT van... remove the seats and it was MASSIVE inside, and could tow a good bit to boot.... cheap to fix and had some decent power with the vortec engine... I would own another...
the caravan is more comfy to drive though....
5/18/11 11:15 p.m.
Oh, yeah, my in-laws van cannot be filled up all the way or it will randomly bog/stall a few times a random time after fill up. There is an issue with a valve to the charcoal canister. Cannot be replaced without a new fuel tank. The cheap fix is to not fill it up all the way. I think this is some what common with these based on the fact that I found it in a couple of minutes of googling when it started to happen to them. Not so good to pull out of the gas station into traffic, step on the gas and have the car die. Good way to get hit.
could always get a toyota "van" 

An old Caravan with a turbo. 
Edit: That is the one to buy not avoid.
5/18/11 11:41 p.m.
The auto trannys mated to 3.0s in the mid to late 90s Chryslers like to die. My mothers spewed it's internals all over the road.
5/18/11 11:59 p.m.
Billy_Bottle_Caps wrote:
In reply to donalson:
Thanks for the input. CL has a 2000 Windstar for $800 leather, reverse is out though. Go fihure...
Funny, this page has been up on my screen all day. I'm going to be needing a pickemup/minivan/van/truck/suv by the end of the school year.
5/19/11 4:26 a.m.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
watch out for windstar rust. Ford is having a big issue with the subframes. Google the subject and see what you find.... I'd recommend a GM van, Astro or Safari.
If you are in the rust belt, drive to any Ford Dealership and i the back lot you will see a ton of Windstars awaiting repair for these Ford subframe recalls. My small town dealership typically has 25 units on the back lot.
I might avoid a Windstar or at least verify that the recall work has been completed.
Thanks for all the input guys! Going to look at a couple this weekend. Going to drive several different ones to see which one I like. I made notes of all the issues you guys suggested. Thanks
5/19/11 7:56 a.m.
Read up here:
What I want to know is it possible to buy an $800 Windstar and then get Ford to give you $3,000 for it???
jrw1621 wrote:
Read up here:
What I want to know is it possible to buy an $800 Windstar and then get Ford to give you $3,000 for it???
I think most of those recalls have a minimum ownership time.
Yeah, stay away from the windstars. A friend of a friend swears by buying Caravans with 100k on them, because he's sure the transmission has already been rebuilt/replaced. Enjoy 80,000 miles of trouble free driving, sell, buy another.
I dig the 4.3 vortec astro/safaris.
In case you see a bargain Mopar van out there, be aware that the 1996-2000 generation had headlights that sucked. (These would be the tiny ones the size of a banana.) With standard bulbs, it was like having a guy somewhere ahead of you with a penlight. With really good aftermarket bulbs, figure a couple of penlights. I'm exaggerating, but not by much. Something to think about if you drive at night.
My dad has owned three Windstars, and vowed to never own another again.
every minivan has it's weak points.
Chrysler has weak transmission as does honda. the GM FWD also has some trans issues, but they creep in later and more rarely.
Ford has trans and engine issues, plus the vans just feel like crap to me.
Budget to me is the largest determining factor on which to avoid. If my budget allowed it, I would have bought a sienna, instead I got a T&C. I've had 4 or 5 94-95 caravans, a 96 voyager, an 02 Montana, and now have a 96 T&C. I've driven all the minivans out there at one point or another. My budget keeps me in the mopar family.
New Reader
5/19/11 10:57 a.m.
I would avoid the Venture/TranSport/Montana just based on crash-test footage of the 97-2005 model years. I was very happy when my mom finally got rid of hers. Not a safe cabin, IMO.

In reply to Billy_Bottle_Caps:
Merc Villager. I had one and it was the worst vehicle I've ever owned. One electrical gremlin after another.