SV reX
6/13/23 6:23 p.m.
I have a travel trailer. I could get these done in just a few weeks.
The last time I considered doing traveling construction projects for GRMers it didn't go well.
SV reX
6/26/23 11:02 p.m.
In keeping with the spirit of this project, I salvaged a few commercial doors from a project a few years ago. These are large aluminum framed doors with safety tempered glass and aluminum panels. I salvaged 5 of them, but it turns out the guys who saved them for me were really careless with a lot of the parts. Good thing I had 5, because I needed that many to find enough pieces for 2 complete doors.

After fussing with finding all the pieces in my salvage pile, I realized that I might be able to interchange the aluminum panels for glass ones. In their original use, these doors cycled around 100 times per day. In my shop, it will be more like 2 or three times per week. The bottom aluminum panels were to try to avoid the risk of breakage, and the top ones gave them a place to mount the automatic openers. Since I am using them infrequently, I decided I could do with out the openers and open them manually.
Before and after switching the panels:

Here's the view from inside:

And now the doors are finished:

6/27/23 4:17 a.m.
This explains the thread on low E tint.
That looks fantastic!
In reply to SV reX :
you will grow weary of the inconvenience of opening them manually. do you have package space for jackshaft openers?
SV reX
6/27/23 7:28 p.m.
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
I have the space if I ever decide to switch.
Jackshaft openers are one of those things that are worth every penny they cost.
6/28/23 6:41 p.m.
Any worries over security with this door set up?
SV reX
6/28/23 6:43 p.m.
In reply to 759NRNG :
Not where I am located. I will tint the glass to reduce visibility, but that's about it.
6/28/23 6:48 p.m.
SV reX said:
In reply to 759NRNG :
Not where I am located. I will tint the glass to reduce visibility, but that's about it.
Someone nearby keeping an eye on this palace?
SV reX
9/18/23 10:22 a.m.
Well.. I sure did drop the ball on my updates!
When we last left our hero, he was about to start siding.
Tightened up the envelope, sealed the gaps, added house wrap, and some Hardi panels all around:

(Don't tell OSHA!)
SV reX
9/18/23 10:27 a.m.
Next step was a few batons. I increased the scale much larger than normal and put the batons on 2' centers. This makes the massive walls seem more to scale, and give a modern-ish look.

SV reX
9/18/23 10:31 a.m.
While the scaffolding was in place, I decided to get some painting done.
I'm not a fan of painting, so everything I could do to increase productivity was worthwhile.
Out comes the spray gun...

SV reX
9/18/23 10:37 a.m.
Now the part I've been waiting for...
I don't splurge very often, but I saw this material and really loved the idea of using it for my soffits and overhangs. The large overhang in the front is a significant architectural element, and needed to be highlighted.

It's a composite European siding material with really deep reveal grooves.
SV reX
9/18/23 10:40 a.m.
And it looks fantastic installed!

SV reX
9/18/23 10:44 a.m.
So, the exterior of my shop is now finished!

The day I took down the scaffolding was the first day my son saw it. His only comment? "SHUT. UP!!"

SV reX
9/18/23 10:50 a.m.
Unfortunately, the inside is a nightmare!!
I know I said it wouldn't be a car shop, but right now it's got 3 buried in there somewhere.

Several life changes had left everything I owned in multiple storage units. It was costing me a fortune. I needed to empty out those storage units and get everything in one place so I could begin downsizing all my crap.
The shop isn't very usable right now, but it feels good to be rid of the storage units. I can get the shop sorted out in my own time now.
That turned out great! Nice work!
Impressive in so many ways. Love the scale of outside battens. Love the color choices. Love that you are actually completing the project. So many polebarns just get so far then ...
OBTW... stuff will take up all available space. 
SV reX
9/18/23 11:43 a.m.
In reply to Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) :
Stuff will definitely take up all available space. But I don't want to take up the space with the wrong stuff.
The point of this space was to allow enough space, but not excess. Because I don't want the stuff filling the excess. I'm convinced this is exactly the right size, I just have to organize my life and get rid of a few things I don't need.
SV reX said:
In reply to Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) :
...I just have to organize my life and get rid of a few things I don't need.
Don't we all.
It looks fantastic. You clearly knew what this was going to look like from the start. Love the amount of natural light from those doors. I'd probably put some sort of privacy film on the bottom few rows of glass because I don't like having my garage contents on display, but that's a personal taste thing.
What's the HVAC situation look like? I don't imagine you'll need heat, but are you planning on any cooling?
SV reX
9/18/23 11:58 a.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I'm not planning any HVAC. I have great ventilation on a lakefront lot, so I'm not expecting much need.
But I have a mini-split if I need it. 
9/18/23 12:00 p.m.
Looks terrific! That soffit material was the right choice aesthetically.
I too would like to know what the cooling plans are. With that much dark color and glass in the South, it could be a sauna.