10/11/11 6:48 p.m.
Back in 2000 (I think) you guys decided to host a little shin-dig for your readers. You challenged them to buy and build a car that could run a quick quarter-mile, a fast lap at an auto-x and look decent while doing it.
I stumbled on the coverage of that first ($1500) challenge and filled out the sub card while STILL IN BORDERS buying it.
You've got other magazines covering it now (a little but, who'd promote the much better competition?) and it's grown into a huge event.
There are two threads totaling 348 posts about the challenge, mostly focusing on some negative aspects that happened this year.
Have you ever regretted starting this thing for us? I hope not.
I'm amazed at the comments in all the Challenge threads this year. This is the first time I remember seeing this many problems and negative experiences. There might have been posts like this before, I just don't remember them.
It sounds as if there does need to be some serious thought put into this before next year. How about returning to an earlier simpler time?
The bad thing about growth and familiarity is that it brings it's own set of Challenges (hee hee). But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I believe a realistic posting of expectations about the type of event you want to host will set the mood right for next year. Sometimes it's better if things do get out of hand one time so that from that day forward everyone knows there's a line that doesn't need to be crossed.
I for one, am concerned about the non PG rated activities as to me this is a great way to bring the wife and kiddies along and get them interested in the same things I'm interested in. But if it turns them off it's going to be doubly hard to ever get them back.
As I mentioned in another thread I don't see how I can ever come due to timing, but I know this has never been an issue at any other GRM event I've been too. I've never wondered would it be alright to bring my wife, kids or grandkids. Now I'm glad I couldn't come this year.
The Texas A&M hardtop issues are more in line of what I've come to expect of the GRM crowd. I'm sure there was a lot more positive acts going on and it's a shame the negative overshadowed the good.
it's a lot like a family reunion, everyone is happy to see one another, and will go above and beyond to help one another but sometimes one of the reletives has a bit much to dring and "humps the matress" (or pisses the backpack)

I think all the internet conjecture going on is a huge magnification of what actually happened. One thread is Per asking for people's input, and the other was a single, isolated incident that has already been resolved. I think this is a classic case of internet != real life.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/12/11 5:36 a.m.
Yea, we expect a little rabble-rousing, but this year was a little 'extra' and we're looking for ways to fix that. We try and will continue to try to make it a family-friendly event.
As for the Challenge scoring and suggestions---there's always been the complaints about how a person makes the car/builds the car/budgets the car. The truth of the matter is that some aren't happy with a ruleset unless it matches their exact philosophy. Some like one-person teams, others like only using hand tools, others like streetability.
10/12/11 6:03 a.m.
Per Schroeder wrote:
As for the Challenge scoring and suggestions---there's always been the complaints about how a person makes the car/builds the car/budgets the car. The truth of the matter is that some aren't happy with a ruleset unless it matches their exact philosophy. Some like one-person teams, others like only using hand tools, others like streetability.
I like weird stuff...builds that surprise me. Amazing fabrication. That's also what I want to read about.
In the other thread, ModernBeat said:
modernbeat wrote:
Yes, but are you more likely to use the info of how to jet-propel your Yugo or the info of how to get a good looking paint job on a beater? One is sensational, but nearly worthless. The other is really useful and is the reason I read magazines like GRM.
I may represent the minority, but I'm more likely to try the crazy fabrication. Besides, GRM doesn't need to follow the path of every other magazine. Streetrodder has an annual paint issue. (...as do most other crane communication magazines.) We don't need to be them.
10/12/11 6:56 a.m.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Yea, we expect a little rabble-rousing, but this year was a little 'extra' and we're looking for ways to fix that. We try and will continue to try to make it a family-friendly event.
As for the Challenge scoring and suggestions---there's always been the complaints about how a person makes the car/builds the car/budgets the car. The truth of the matter is that some aren't happy with a ruleset unless it matches their exact philosophy. Some like one-person teams, others like only using hand tools, others like streetability.
Yup, there will always be complaints. I am just appreciative as heck that you guys host this every year. I know it's a LOT of work and us little people appreciate it. I plan on returning for 2013, can I send you the rules I'd like you to change so it will fit my needs better? Maybe extra points for a black GLH with bad paint? How about more points for over-weight, balding middle-aged guys that can't drive worth a dang?
10/12/11 7:03 a.m.
Tim, one more thing. IIRC, back in 2003 there was a video made. Even though it was kinds hokey (cummon, you guys admitted it back then) it was GREAT!!! If you guys made one every year I'm pretty sure I'd buy one every year, 10 copies in any year I compete in.
Readers, what do you think. Would you be willing to bay $10, $15, $20 or whatever for a DVD of the event? Would you be willing to pay a higher entry fee if a DVD were included?
DrBoost wrote:
Tim, one more thing. IIRC, back in 2003 there was a video made. Even though it was kinds hokey (cummon, you guys admitted it back then) it was GREAT!!! If you guys made one every year I'm pretty sure I'd buy one every year, 10 copies in any year I compete in.
Readers, what do you think. Would you be willing to bay $10, $15, $20 or whatever for a DVD of the event? Would you be willing to pay a higher entry fee if a DVD were included?
I bought the DVD. And wish I didn't.
Didn't see a single shot of my car. And IIRC, we finished 10th that year (as we did in '04, too).
10/12/11 7:15 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
How about more points for over-weight, balding middle-aged guys that can't drive worth a dang?
Oooooh, I like that one! Can it be on a sliding scale? More weight, less hair = more points?