Because I'm weird and search Craigslist for parts I don't need all the time... oh, wait, everyone on this board does that, never mind that part...
There's a set of NA Bilsteins with Tein springs on them, wondering if they'll fit the NB.
I don't "need" them, but at $100, it seems like a good back up to have.
Would they work?
5/10/16 11:27 a.m.
They'll bolt up, but I believe you'll lose some suspension travel due to the NA tophats.
Call Keith in here to double check though, I've only ever gone NB suspension into an NA, not the other way around
Yeah, hopefully he'll chime in. Not sure what shape the Bilsteins are in, but, they're rebuildable, right?
There may be a problem putting the NA upper mounts in the NB body, the openings are a bit smaller. I always recommend you keep all the parts from the same generation - mounts, springs, shocks.
Mixing parts from different generations will sure mess with your ride heights and travel, and you'll never do better than the factory did if you only use factory parts.
Enough of a difference to pass on them, or can NB top mounts be used with the earlier springs (I'm still a Miata neophyte, please pardon the ignorance...)?
I don't "need" them, but it's like that Snickers bar - looks good and I want it and it doesn't cost much.
Keep the springs, mounts and shocks from the same generation. There are hacked-up ways to combine them, but there's no good reason to do so.
If you put NB upper mounts on an NA spring/shock assembly, the car will sit low and will lose compression travel.
Ok, thanks for the info Keith, appreciate it.
5/10/16 2:23 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote:
Keep the springs, mounts and shocks from the same generation. There are hacked-up ways to combine them, but there's no good reason to do so.
^^ In case you need reminding, this guy knows what he is talking about. I recently put NB shocks into an NA because I bought them with zero prior research. Oops. After a bunch of funky top hat and sleeve combinations and modifications it works but I nearly punted on the whole thing 3 different times.
You're right, that's pretty contradictory. The first statement isn't well put, as I was addressing something that wasn't actually said. My bad. I've removed it.
Basically, NB mounts don't give you more travel than NA mounts. That's the claim of some folks, but it doesn't stand up to measurement. You can't improve your bump travel by mixing and matching parts - but you can degrade it from stock. That's what happens when you put NB mounts on an NA spring and shock.