I have a need for a passenger footrest, partly to protect some wiring bundles and partly to help keep my passengers on course from screaming like little girls 
I've seen the nearly identical aluminum diamondplate ones from OMP and Sparco that have the folded edges, but wanted something a little sturdier/uglier for my SM car. Several UK sites have options, but I need something in the states, mainly just for issues of shipping time.
Any experience or suggestions?
7/14/08 5:25 p.m.
Go to your nearest scrap metal yard and buy a piece of diamond plate for $1.25/pound.
The Sparco one I have (thanks Jason!) is very solid.
The professional ones collapse under accident stresses. Thats good, Compressed vertebrae and broken ankles...are not.
If i was you, I'd make the bracketry for your diamond plate foot rest just strong enough to take the pressure of a passenger during spirited driving.
just puttin it out there. haha. Good luck.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
7/15/08 5:45 a.m.
The Sparco one I have in the Saab is firmly mounted, but not so strong as to not collapse during a big off. I looked at making one, but the Sparco piece is simply nicer/cheaper than I could do at home or in our shop.
I couldn't handle the shiny and attractive appearance of the Sparco, so I ordered this OMP one from HRP 
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll stick with a tested solution in this case...