well I got my challenge Tercel running on megasquirt, actually proud of myself it started up the first time.
If I just tap the thottle(like 2% TPS) the engine dies, I have to kinda mash on it for it not to die. nothing I do in tunerstudio helps
Its the stock engine running ITBs from a motorcycle using Alpha-N on megasquirt II, other than that it runs well but could use some more fine tuning.
I assume you've mucked with VE bins just off idle?
Your spark table uses earthly data?
I started with a tune that was giving to me for a completely stock tercel, I did mess with the VE table but I haven't touched the the ignition table.
my car idles at 950rpm

Try fattening it up in that 900-1300 bin between 5 and 50% TPS. Here's my VE table (or one of them) for a 20 valve with ITB's:

These are my tables from 2010 (4AGE, ITB's), running pure Alpha-N.
Click to biggie-size it
I've also had some issues where the ITB cable is on the opposite end of the TPS, inducing a bit of a delay in what happens with what is measured.
Make sure your load axis (tps) has bins in appropriate places just off idle to about 2/3 throttle then they can space out a bit. Check accel.
Dont do much until its warm, tune there and then work on the rest.
Second what Paul says. Wait until it's warmed up to do your initial tuning and check the acceleration enrichment. I can give you more info if you attach an MSQ and data log (Dropbox works well for that - none of the pop ups that you get on other sites).
Take a close look at accel enrichment - if it's kicking in at too low of a rate threshold, it will dump a lot of fuel and cause a bog/stall. The default settings were this way for both installations I've done.
This site really helped me quite a bit when I was working on the ITB's for my Porsche 924:
Also SkinnyG's site helps a bit as well:
There was another site that helped quite a bit, but I can't find it right now.
3/24/16 12:11 p.m.
echoechoecho wrote:
well I got my challenge Tercel running on megasquirt, actually proud of myself it started up the first time.
If I just tap the thottle(like 2% TPS) the engine dies, I have to kinda mash on it for it not to die. nothing I do in tunerstudio helps
Its the stock engine running ITBs from a motorcycle using Alpha-N on megasquirt II, other than that it runs well but could use some more fine tuning.
What is happening to AFR/Lambda at that initial throttle opening point?
thanks for the help, I'm at work now when I get home I'll mess with it some more and report back
ok so I fixed the problem, What I did was start the fuel load scale(VE table) at 0 and the rpm scale at 900.
Megasquirt rocks should have done this a lot sooner, thanks for the help I'm sure I'll have additional questions as I continue tuning the car.