red_stapler said:
einy said:
Regarding VW reliability, my 75k mile 2011 GTI has not been very impressive.
The Gen 3 engine in 2015+ model years is a lot more reliable, with none of the manifold, water pump, or chain tensioner issues.
Guys, I appreciate all the math help, but hey, I'm an engineer here, I literally do math all day long all week long and twice on Sundays. OK, maybe not Sundays. But definitely Saturdays. Math has almost nothing to do with this. Sometimes I feel like a bit of an anachronism, tooling to work in my 30 year old Swede. I like it...but my back longs for something a little more comfortable and my limited free time (with 2 kiddos) says I ought to buy something I won't have to wrench on in between fluid changes.
Yes, I pulled insurance quotes on the cars I looked at. Nothing surprising.
I do not think that I could not care any less than I do about fog lights or carplay/android/apple...whatever. I listen to FM radio (usually just 2 stations) and I want heat and air conditioning. My car could have 4 knobs to do what I need it to do.
Yes, I live in Maryland, and yes, they salt here (or potassium chloride or whatever evil thing they're using now) but I see lots of 10+ year old Mazdas used as dailies without much rot. And honestly, while I'd sell the Volvo 240 after buying the new car, I'd probably keep the '83 Mercedes, toss some winter tires on it, and use it if the weather's bad. It's an $800 car with rust already, costs me $160 per year to insure, and has a great heater. There would probably be maybe 2 weeks out of the year when I'd drive it due to snow. If I really need to haul something, there's the '93 Chevrolet Dually.
I'm a little surprised at some of the "are you sure you need a manual?" talk, given this is GRM. Again, I'm spending my money, buying a new car for the first time in my life, and dangit, I'm gonna spec it how _I_ want it, as best I can- including color. Plus, given how the market's going, the manny tranny model of whatever is probably going to be worth more in 10 years.
I sat in a Mazda 6 and it felt...big. Like, bigger than I wanted to deal with on a commute. And it had a pretty sizable blind spot.
I do like the Buick wagon. I've strongly considered it, even sans the manual trans option. The main things that give me pause are a) like the Cruze, it's an assemblage of lowest-bidder bin stuff from all over the world, and b) it's likely to be an orphan soon, so future parts availability may be questionable. I had a buddy with a GTO that got totaled out for fairly minor damage, simply because the cost of getting parts from Oz was prohibitive.
I glanced at the Niro hybrid, Prius, Volt, even a Bolt (a co-worker engineer just bought one, and likes it) but I don't like the styling (I know, subjective) of any of them, which is kindof a non-starter. I know -I_ don't have to look at the thing when I'm driving it, but I feel like I have a bit of social responsibility to not abet the rest of the population in filling the world with ugly cars.
Contemplated Subarus. Had too many friends get burned by head gaskets. And I don't need or want or want to pay for or want the added reliability question with AWD. If the Forester were FWD/RWD only I'd consider it- the '18's still have the MT option.
Contemplated Focususususus. Left when the M/T was only an option on the gas-hog engine and Ford said it was killing off all the sedans next year. Fiesta's too tiny. And I'd rather have a Mazda hecho en Mexico than a Ford Hergestellt in Deutschland.
Bottom line, I want something that I want. A car that's good looking, doesn't use an inordinate amount of fuel, has a good expectation of reliability, is fun to drive, can haul 2 kids and recycling and groceries and (perhaps with a little inventiveness) some lumber. If it's an automatic transmission, it had better be darn super good at everything else. I don't want to break the bank on it- Some place around $20,000 is where I'd like to be. Or less. I want new- I don't want someone else's problems or their beer farts in my seat or their hookers' hair on my carpet. When I see boogers on the dash, I want to know that they're _my_ boogers on the dash...or, at least, my kids' or Mrs VCH's.