9/15/19 3:17 p.m.
I am on my 2nd beer trying to get the passenger side O2 sensor out of my new to me 2000 Silverado 1500.
Heat x3
PB blaster x2
Beeswax x2
Acetone/ATF x1
Impact 18v Dewalt
Special O2 wrench
Cut wires and using boxed wrench.
At least the kids are being quiet and the wife is happy. The drivers side came out with just a little heat and acetone atf 50%50% mix. The charcoal vent solenoid was a pain, too, but that was before lunch.
Last part to install will have to wait for another time: Bank 2 knock sensor. Is that the front or rear sensor? I got new intake manifold gaskets and new knock sensor wires. Do I need anything else?

9/15/19 3:19 p.m.
Looks like you've got step one covered: Remain philosophical and take a break as needed.
Ugly as it is, and it is ugly, combining shock and torque, have you tried hitting the box wrench with a hammer?
9/15/19 3:20 p.m.
And because I have never posted from beneath a vehicle before:

9/15/19 3:31 p.m.
Rounded properly.
Also found the upper O2 sensor closer to the header. Due diligence? Nope.
Any chance you can drop it down far enough to use an impact gun?
9/15/19 3:45 p.m.
I can just get an impact on it with a wobble extension but I think the wobble is just getting beat to E36 M3.
The rest of the rusty bolts on the exhaust look pretty bad.
Somebody has to say it...
9/15/19 4:05 p.m.
Shotgun? Too much rust would fall off and I wouldnt be able to find the O2 sensor again! Lol. At least this is our backup/farm vehicle, so minimal run time missing it. I think I will pay someone. E36 M3
Six point deep socket, 24 inch breaker bar.
The knock sensors are under the intake, and the most common failure involves water. Change the both.
You do have new intake manifold gaskets? They probably leak air when they are cold, and set lean codes... Why are you changing the oxygen sensors?
9/16/19 7:34 a.m.
The P-codes said a circuit fault in one of the O2 sensors.
I meant to get two knock sensors but must have only order one. I should just get the second. The intake manifold gaskets arrived Sunday via USPS.