I am looking at picking up an OBD2 reader for my car. I would like something that could log sensor data on a newer (CAN) car and yet still read and clear trouble codes from older (Just OBD2) cars.
This seemed to have most of the features I want
Does anyone here have any experience with it? Are there alternatives I should consider?
I ruled out the dash hawk because it appears only to work with the CAN equipped cars...
My Dad bought a copy of Dyno Scan from http://www.auterraweb.com/ that works well as a code reader and data logger. It would probably work better if the laptop we run it on isn't ancient but it still gets the job done.
He was having an issue with bad gas mileage and oxygen sensor codes that we couldn't get cleared up and without seeing a real-time readout the problem wouldn't have been caught. Someone plugged in the left side 0-2 sensor harness into the right side sensor and vice-versa. Truck couldn't decide whether it was rich or lean and was freaking out.
For that alone I suggest running a program and getting a base line file while all of your cars are running correctly.
Cool, I have been looking at getting a code reader for quite a while. I like the idea of being able to log some of the data. I have noticed some odd behavior from my mazda from time to time and I would like the ability to record it. The link you provided seemed to be to a software package that is both CAN and OBD2 compatible. How extensively have you tested some to the logging capabilities of the software? did you like the interface?
I bought the SCANGAUGEII mainly for the instant mpg readout. It also reads OBDII codes. Its simple enough for anyone to figure out and will display 4 functions (gauges) at once. It is a self standing unit.
I did read somewhere or another that you can get a usb cable for it to datalog, but I don't know how easy that is.
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