EDIT: Rescheduled to July 12-13 WEEKEND (see last post). This is the venue where NE DIvisionals will be held this year, so come get some practice in on our "unusual" surface.
It's in Frostburg, MD, so it's about as close to many of you as it is to most of us in WDCR who run there all season. In any case, it's a giant venue and I'm sure they'll set up some long and fast courses as they always do. And it's on gravel and substrate, so something different from that dirt you're used to out in your region. Frostburg is cheap to stay at if you don't want to camp at the venue (which is also allowed).
A plus: in case you break anything, there are 2 auto parts stores and a harbor freight within 10 minutes of the venue, plus a Sheetz :)
seriously, it's a big venue. This photo only shows about 25% of the total area :)

5/9/14 11:32 p.m.
I'll see if I have any money left to make the trip after the Southeast national challenge on June 7-8.
This is actually very close to me.
How does that gravel/substrate chew up all seasons?
And is it relatively level? If I were to go I would take my CR-z which has alot of plastic undertrays which I would like to keep attached. I don't think I have the heart to run my miata on direzza z2's.
5/10/14 7:25 a.m.
It's big gravel w/ "soil"-y dirt underneath. Most AS are too hard to be much affected. I can vouch from personal experience.
5/10/14 8:02 a.m.
sounds like a blast, i'll have to see if it's doable. frostburg area has some awesome views.
5/10/14 10:47 a.m.
I'll see if I have a car yet, but it's looking like I'll be sitting the season out. Unless Evan doesn't have a co-drive called yet, in which case I'll try to get a co-drive.
In reply to EvanB:
1) Remove seat
2) plastic wrap knurled and set him in driver's area
3) expanding foam
4) trim foam for ingress/egress
5/10/14 1:17 p.m.
I learned from my prior experience that I can drive it just fine as long as I don't try to turn the steering wheel very much or apply the brakes. This enforces smooth driving, rather like taping one hand to the steering wheel but less tofu.
daytonaer wrote:
This is actually very close to me.
How does that gravel/substrate chew up all seasons?
And is it relatively level? If I were to go I would take my CR-z which has alot of plastic undertrays which I would like to keep attached. I don't think I have the heart to run my miata on direzza z2's.
Tires you should be ok unless you're really going crazy. A number of people are on A/S and snow tires (which are softer) and I haven't heard too much about bad wear (though I haven't been asking).
As to your undertrays, you should be fine if you're not going balls-out crazy and are at stock height. We've had a stock Focus, some kind of Kia, and a few other stock econo-cars out there. The only car that ever seems to lose parts is Jeremy's heavily modded STi, which he drives like a lunatic (I think he actually WANTS to lose trim parts and bumpers)...
Bumping this up since it's about 2 weeks away, in case any of you guys wants to come out. Should be a good time with a ton of time on some big courses. Registration should open in a few days, I'll post up a link when it does.
registration is open. This is actually a more convenient event for you because Saturday is a day-twilight event (arrival at noon, run until 8pm, camp out (or cheap hotels up the street), and then run Sunday.
Adam has promised to make some of the fastest courses that this region has ever had, weather permitting.
Should be a large RWD group there, as all of our "part timers" look like they're coming (mostly in e30s) in addition to the regulars.
For those who still might be interested, this event was rescheduled to the coming weekend. It's a afternoon/day event, so on Saturday you don't have to be there until noon (so you Ohio guys don't have to get up too early) and we run until twilight. Then on Sunday it's a regular morning start and mid-afternoon finish.
Still room left in the field, should be a great weekend to run hard, so come out if you can.
registration is on DLBracing.com
Especially good for any of you who plan to run at the NE Divisionals this year, which will be held at the same site - you can come and get some practice in on a surface that is not like most other venues on the East Coast!
7/10/14 7:33 a.m.
If I wasn't incredibly broke and my car didn't overheat every run I would be there.
7/10/14 12:36 p.m.
I have to miss Saturday (already something scheduled), but I'm planning to make it for Sunday.
EvanB wrote:
If I wasn't incredibly broke and my car didn't overheat every run I would be there.
That's what rental cars are for 
7/10/14 6:32 p.m.
There would still the the broke problem... 
7/10/14 6:41 p.m.
I know I'm out because I think my engine has compression because of good luck and willpower, and also I have a thing to go to in Ypsilanti where I'm going to buy ALL THE THINGS (or at least the key to my transmission woes so I can finally shoot for 500whp and an easy way to putting a dogbox in the car so I don't go through a transmission every month) and also I have a really badass Audi engine I have to keep working on so I can have a really silly car to drive that makes a bridge ported RX-7 look tame as a daily driver. So I have to budget my time towards those overarching goals.
So, once again, personal growth and maturity have gotten in the way of a good time.
(And yes I did just quote El Freakin' Goonish Shive at you. Because dork. Dork who likes horsepower. And power metal. A powerdork, if you will)
I think yooz guyz are just scurred.....
(let's see if taunting works)

EvanB wrote:
There would still the the broke problem...
as if everyone else who races cars isn't broke too! I thought that was a requirement....
7/10/14 7:23 p.m.
Pegging the temp gauge after every run is all cool until I have to drive it 4 hours home.
Unless you are offering a codrive in your car. 
Not for this event since I'm not towing and I need to drive 105% to win this one and keep the points lead, so I'm gonna be beating on the car for 20+ runs....
Why are you pegging the temp? Blown HG? I haven't had a chance to read anyone's build threads in a while.
7/10/14 7:48 p.m.
With great horsepower comes great cooling system requirements...
...wait, there are times to drive at LESS than 105%? But what if the other guys is driving at 105%? You have to give it 105% just to get back to normal. 110% is the new 100%.
So it's 100 degrees out. Your run is up. Your temp gauge is blinking "TILT". What are you gonna do? Back off and drive really gentle? That might work. What also works is putting your purse down and just going for it. There's no glory in "Well, at least he was able to drive it home."
7/10/14 8:23 p.m.
I haven't updated my build thread for a long time. My temp gauge is pegged because ebay slim fans.
I've never missed an event in 3 seasons due to a car problem, and never not been able to drive it home. I prefer to keep it that way. There's no glory in having your car dead halfway through a 2-day event 3-4 hours from home. Ask NONACK about that...he managed to break 3 different cars in the last 6-7 events.... Maybe in stage rally, but not in rallycross. The frostburg venue ain't no fluffy dirt and grass field....it can and will break cars that are driven stupidly. And over-pressing results in large time penalties here (you can ask the PR e30 that got stuck in deep gravel at the first event when he overcooked a turn, lol). I'm pretty comfortable with my level of effort, personally.
Though, when it's 100 degrees out, my oil and water temps are sitting right where I want them to be (though I am personally sweating profusely). I spent a lot of time making sure that my cooling system does exactly what I want it to