Looks like police departments nationwide are starting designated "safe zones" for online transactions. Designated points that are video monitored and usually near the station, typically marked with signage. And someone has started a locator webpage: Safe Trade Stations
Will they also pounce in to help us forfeit any large cash we might be carrying? Seems like a win/win for them.
Must be a new record, floundering a discussion with the first reply. 
Back to the original topic, it's a good idea - even if an area hasn't been listed on that locator webpage, call your local police precinct; chances are they will have no problems with you using their lobby or parking lot to meet people for Craiglist transactions.
In reply to stuart in mn:
Not even close to a record. There was a 10 minute lag time.
Nearest WalMart parking lot, More cameras than a Hollywood studio.
I've actively started listing my address for all ads I post online as the local police station. Lately, once a month on the local news at the minimum, I hear that someone got mugged/jumped while selling something privately.
In reply to McTinkerson:
I don't give an address or a real phone number (used to use google phone, but all email these days) and use public places as well as going with a friend. And armed. I have honestly never even had a sketchy encounter - but I do assume the worst of everyone until proven otherwise.
I can't say I've had sketchy encounters either. Usually meet at a mall or fast food place, and whether I'm buying or selling, I try to feel the person out before hand. if they seem off or weird, I just won't deal with them. Most of the sketchy ones disappear before the meeting time. But always go armed, and usually with another friend my size or bigger. I have to say, most people have turned out to be pretty cool that I've had to deal with. At least those over 35.