Anybody have experience with hydrographics on cars that are in direct sunlight. Specifically when they cleared over the print.
I have something that cannot be wrapped and its not available in Carbon for a rational price or timeline. Friend is blacking out a R8 and the wrap company feels like they cannot do this part and figured we would do this in carbon over black paint. Worried that the print would look chalky after time in the sun.
Since nobody has an answer I am going to have some mirror covers from a truck done up for 20$ spray a clear over it and throw it under the grow lights for a while while my seedlings get started. Will report back later.
12/23/19 10:46 p.m.
My Paw tol' me if I dunno nuthin 'bout somethin', it's best to keep mah opinions to myself. Since I hadda google "hydrographics" to remind me as to what the heck it is, I say thishere is one o' them times...
12/24/19 11:26 a.m.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Dude your picture is a real WTF moment. What does that pic have to do with what you're asking? No one understands wtf is going on.
on Wheeler dealers they did the wood of an old Jag interior,
there was a lot of prep work before they put the "color" on , then prepped for a clear coat , and sprayed ,
I have no idea, but as a funny coincidence, I learned about hydrographics earlier today from a slot car forum. Seems like a pretty cool technology. I'd wager you could put clearcoat over it and have it last about as well as anything else really.
wait, did you mean hydroponics? I'm confused with this entire thread.
_ said:
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Dude your picture is a real WTF moment. What does that pic have to do with what you're asking? No one understands wtf is going on.
That is a photo of an engine cover vent on an R8 Spyder. He is wondering if he hydro dips it, will it hold up? From my experience, it’ll last 6 months or so, depending on sun exposure
12/24/19 6:54 p.m.
In reply to _ :
I think we understand, we just don't have an answer.
12/24/19 8:00 p.m.
Why would it not last under a coat of uv protective clear coat? No idea of what the adhesive specs are for the hydro film, so that may play into the matrix.
In reply to NOHOME :
The clear can actually distort the film.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
I am not sure you woulds call the "color" film , its not like a wrap on a car ,
its more like a color page printed on rice paper that dissolves in water leaving the printing ink on the top......
In reply to californiamilleghia :
I just figured "film" was the easiest way to describe it, since it starts as a film. I’ve messed with it for about 6 years now dipping random stuff for fun. The clear coat can cause a reaction and affect the finished look.
12/24/19 9:59 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:
In reply to NOHOME :
The clear can actually distort the film.
"Distort" as in the solvent from the clear reacting with the printed/deposited material and hence the printed pattern or "Distort" as in optically distort the pattern like a lens? Maybe both?