Is this the look of a man who's scared to take a transmission apart?

Steve and I recently successfully executed the installation of a shift kit for our Lincoln's AOD automatic transmission. Despite being familiar with and dealing with them for years, I had never personally taken one this far apart. Luckily, this was old hat for Steve and between him and the instructions, we had no real trouble.
You can read the whole update here. We're hoping to do some testing in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on this project as we get back on track for the 2012 season.
Read it!
True story: When Steve originally came to GRM World HQ to interview for the job, we (obviously) liked him very much, and I think were also all very proud of each other for conducting the entire interview with no reference to his wild-man hair. Once it was all over, we all adjourned to go get some lunch together.
The car hadn't left the parking lot before Per blurted out, "So, Steve, the hair: What the hell."
Steve's response was to burst out laughing, which probably sealed the deal.
I'll say it again: that AOD WILL crap out on you. Ask Josh Russel. He went through like 5 of them before switching to a T-5 in the Hotrod Lincoln..
BTW, the hair rules.
I see the problem, Steve the gell goes in your hair, not the transmission. Whew that was close.