Not mine, I might be buying for scrap $$$
If the D17 in a 7th gen civic overheats to the point that the exhaust manifold is glowing red and cracks when it cools down, how likely is it that the rest of the engine has seen permanent damage? The initial overheating was due to a coolant leak and being run near dry. This is part 1 of flip/challenge car potential.
A quick look on shows D17's for $5-700...
I imagine the engine would blow within the next 10k miles. But D17's are stout and might surprise you.
You'll probably want to look at the cats too. All that heat probably melted them.
First thing I thought of. Sorry!

Within 10k, that is far more optimistic than I thought.
I was thinking fix the coolant leak and slap on an eBay header if I chose to gamble on the engine. But the bigger question for me is what to do with it afterwards. Auto means little fun to be had for me, but better to flip. The body condition is very determental to an easy or quick flip.
If you don't think it's in good condition to flip then don't muck with it. Say you got it for $500 and got a $300 junkyard engine and drop it in, if the body is as rough as you say, it'll still be worth only like $1500-$2000. Is your time worth $700?
Seems odd that a cooling system overheat would cause the exhaust manifold to get that hot.
something else is causing that.
My brain removed the "1" and I thought this instantly:

Red hot exhaust manifold? Isn't that a timing issue?