2/14/12 10:42 a.m.
The awesome thing about this site is that you can simply ask your technical question at any time. No one here will be like "Tits or GTFO!" I mean, "Search n00b!" This forum is the gold standard, in my opinion. Corner Carvers? I really hate that site.
In reply to turboswede:
Ok I've seen this reposted with a couple things changed and I have no idea where it came from or what the backstory is. Little help?
In reply to turboswede:
Don't worry. I'm learning disabled and an in no way insulted. I do make up my own words sometimes, though.
N Sperlo wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
I swear to God I will pistol whip the next person who hotlinks that berkeleying picture.
lol...ummm, i made that picture in MS Paint, and thats a hotlink from my own photobucket, so...uhhh
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
That explains why I only see you posting it. Unfortunately I can't see animated gif files on my mobile browser. Sorry. 
so youre upset about the picture, or are just looking for a reason to pistol whip me...cant say youre the first person to want to do that (considering Ive actually been pistol whipped before, during a robbery).
Uh oh, is a quote the same as posting it
(looks over shoulder)
aussiesmg wrote:
Uh oh, is a quote the same as posting it
(looks over shoulder)
No, but I almost unholstered.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
In reply to turboswede:
Ok I've seen this reposted with a couple things changed and I have no idea where it came from or what the backstory is. Little help?
It isn't mentioned ^ there, but the gist was that there was a thread on a previous version of the board where someone got butt-hurt over the use of a certain word used to describe people that "ride the short bus" to school. Since my younger brother was one of those kids, I and others told the guy that he was being a Bob Costas and to understand the use of the work in the context it was used was not meant to disparage people with that condition.
That persons post was then taken and converted to an internal GRM meme because it was just so perfect for our twisted uses. The key is that unlike some memes on the rest of the net, this one is used sparingly and with thoughtful consideration.
If anyone can find the original post, their google-fu is very strong as I've not found it so far.