Sprayed a TR8 this weekend base coat clear coat. Base went down fantastic. Clear went down nice as well, but had a slight pebble finish to it. More than just orange peel. Seemed like it was going down light. Used a 1.4mm nozzle. It was going on nice, with no runs, so I just went with it. Hit it with 4 coats and used up two quarts of clear plus hardener, so thats like 80 ounces of clear on a TR8 convertible. I'm in the process of wet sanding the clear now starting with 1000 grit. Its taking longer than it should. So, should I have used the 1.8 nozzle? Should I have just messed with the gun and incresaed the amount of material going thru the nozzle? Every time I have sprayed clear before, I have had small runs. None this time, so that leads me to believe there wasn't enough material going on. One other thing is it dried fast. Real fast.