Any suggestions for lower cost training options? Recently attended the BMW Performance Driving School 2 day car control course. I really enjoyed it and am looking for other options that don't require owning a track car and are GRM approved for value. For the record, the BMW training is $1200 now (I paid $1095 before the price increase) and i think the cost was reasonable, but being frugal I'm interested in lower cost options. Also interested in driving my street car (stock NB Miata w hard top & no roll bar) rather than a car I'll probably never drive again.
What does the brain trust recommend?
Visit Clem's "What I Do In My Spare Time" thread. 
DWNSHFT wrote:
Private coaching.
Most effective, but not GRM priced.
I've been happy with NASA, though there is always someone who will chime in about how inept their instructor was. You'll get that virtually anywhere. The vast majority are very good. A HPDE weekend will cost you $350-$450 depending on the venue. Four sessions per day, instruction included (includes classroom sessions as well). You use your own car, provided your Miata has rollover protection. What started out as a desire to drive on a racetrack has morphed into a racing license and an interest in becoming an instructor myself.
Some of the 'better' marque clubs (Porsche, BMW, Audi, Alfa-Romeo) also do similar things. BMWCCA usually gets the highest consistent reviews for their instruction.
If you can do without the big name with a pro license, there are plenty of capable local racers willing to do private coaching.
Trackdaze and Mazda Drivers are both reasonably priced and you get lots of seat time and good instructors.
4/21/12 8:37 a.m.
Have friends that are CCA instructors.
4/21/12 9:59 a.m.
Miata hard top and no roll bar? If you're going to take it beyond the parking lot scene, I'd highly recommend a real roll bar. Heck, I hit a slimey spot on a backroad in my Miata a couple years ago and ended up off an embankment. Had no roll bar, and had I gone dirty-side-up wouldn't be here to make this post.
Bottom line is you will pobably need roll over protection to take your Miata on track with most track day schools. I know NASA requires a 4 point such as Hard Dog for any HPDE events. It's cheap insurance, and you may find someone wanting to upgrade to a full cage that will let a 4 point go cheaper than retail. That being said if you are located near one of the participating NASA regions they have a program where you can volunteer your labor as a worker in return for free track time. This option assumes you have more time than money. 
4/21/12 11:38 a.m.
I'll coach you. At every AutoX I've ever attended there is NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY that can take more cones down than I can. I'm not sure what they are doing wrong. I mean they come THIS close to the cones but still can't manage to take out as many as I do. I don't mean to brag, but I've sent cones flying into the next corner before 
4/21/12 11:43 a.m.
Spend some time with this 11 part video series.
Though built for autocross, much of the logic will translate to road course as well.
My car is my DD. I don't think I want to have a roll bar in it due to the potential to bash my skull in if I am involved in a crash without a helmet. I figure that is the most probable collision scenario at this point.
I am fine with relatively low speed parking lot type training at this point. Really just want to improve my driving skills and practice in my own car since it is what I normally drive. The BMW school I attended was not particularly high speed, we probably only got over 60 mph in a couple of exercises. The cars were stock with no additional safety equipment and we didn't wear helmets. Only "safety" requirement was closed toe shoes. If I could take that course again for about half the price and use my own car that would be pretty much what I am currently looking for. It may well expand beyond that in the future.
DrBoost wrote:
I'll coach you. At every AutoX I've ever attended there is NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY that can take more cones down than I can. I'm not sure what they are doing wrong. I mean they come THIS close to the cones but still can't manage to take out as many as I do. I don't mean to brag, but I've sent cones flying into the next corner before
Apparently I have the wrong idea about auto-x. I thought the objective was to avoid hitting the cones? ;)