Team1CG None
5/27/08 8:54 p.m.

So yesterday I posted a message about how my Miata overheated at an autocross school (many runs back to back). Read all about it here.

Long story short -- was able to limp it home by running the heat / pulling off the highway a couple times / taking it slow. Eventually made it home. Temp gauge was reading normal by the time I got home. No issues since. Mechanic found nothing wrong today.

At one point when I pulled off the highway during that ordeal, I cleared a chunk of trash off the radiator. It looked like dryer lint and was maybe 1.5" x 5".

Could a piece of trash -- that seemed like not such a big deal at the time -- have caused all that trouble?

mel_horn New Reader
5/28/08 6:23 a.m.

It could have. Indy Car guys are always cleaning out the radiators on stops and finding stuff not that big...

More importantly: does it overheat NOW?

Xceler8x New Reader
5/28/08 7:45 a.m.

Stop driving that car to the laundromat. :grin:

That or stop hanging your sweat soaked T-shirt on the radiator to dry on the way home.

..your choice.

Wally SuperDork
5/28/08 8:15 a.m.

I could, we had a popcorn bag kill an engine in practice at Daytona once.

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