Need help to get my students to Florida!!!
I teach automotive classes at the high school level in Wendell, North Carolina. We have put together a 1985 corolla with a supercharged engine that we pulled from a completely rusted out MR2 SC. It's been a crazy adventure and we are almost ready for next week. I wanted to wait until it was running and driving before I started asking for funds, and now I need help finding the last bit of funding for my students transportation, their hotel rooms, and their meals (only for them). I started a gofundme page a few weeks ago and secured $1300 of our $1900 goal.... Tom gave me permission to post it here, so please read the gofundme link and please donate if you can, any bit will be appreciated, If you can't, then please share it
Thank you, and seeya there
Brandon Adams
For more attention, I will also help by adding your team pictures here:

In reply to rallyst185 :
Have you secured hotel reservations yet? I am hearing the host hotel is sold out.
In reply to John Welsh :
Way to go! Kids are detailing and painting undercarriage. Serious concours contenders!
thanks to everyone.... this is so much but fun I just wish we werent rushing at the last minute to finish it..... but thats how are projects are, right?!
We are staying at the Best Western in Waldo because it was cheaper and closer to NC. Not terribly happy about it but it gets us there
thanks again
In reply to rallyst185 :
By all means after you check in on Thursday, drag kids down to host hotel. Back parking lot will be filled with activity until wee hours of Friday morning with at least 2 parking lot builds going on...these guys building cars in 24 hours. I'm sure the kids can help. Usually free food and drink. Kids will love it I'm sure.
How many kids are you bringing?
For sure you want to be at the host hotel as much as possible. So many big brains, so many cool builds, so many out of the box solutions, it's exactly what these kids need to see.
Man I can't wait to see the finished product! What a great car! Those kids are going to have the time of their lives. Good luck!
10/14/17 10:56 a.m.
rallyst185 said:
thanks to everyone.... this is so much but fun I just wish we werent rushing at the last minute to finish it..... but thats how are projects are, right?!
We are staying at the Best Western in Waldo because it was cheaper and closer to NC. Not terribly happy about it but it gets us there
thanks again
Sent you a private message about a room discount code for that Best Western, in case they didn't give you a good group rate.