11/4/16 8:08 a.m.
So with the xB having an issue that turned out to be much surface rust on many contact points, and the MR2 sitting for forgotten lengths of time (I have no idea if it would start right now), at 4 cars I think it's time for something to jump start cars when needed.
No moving running cars around, lining up hoods and cables. Something portable I just walk over, pop the hood, connect and (hopefully) start the recalcitrant vehicle.
What do you recommend?
11/4/16 8:13 a.m.
jump box
I have this one and have used it a lot. It has an inflator, and usb ports to charge my phone. I seems like it will jump about 3 or so cars before it needs to charged again. it is great for starting my lawn tractor in the spring where I used to have to carry a battery and cables out through the woods to my shed.
11/4/16 9:08 a.m.
Slippery wrote:
See here
Well hell, missed it by about 1/2 hour. I'll watch that one too.
I have a canvas tool bag with a set of jumper cables and an Odyssey in it. Carries a lot more power than a little jump box and is more flexible.
Otherwise, the Antigravity lithium stuff is very convenient.