There seem to be lots of simple ways to read out CAN signals and get equivalent values, but what if you need to take analog signals from TPS, RPM, temp, etc and convert them into a poll-able CAN data stream? Arduino with a CAN shield can do most of it, but the multitude of different voltages I need to monitor makes a "1 board solution" unlikely.
Trying to get live data from my decidedly analog racecar into my RaceCapture/Track system for telemetry purposes FWIW.
For some reason I think Dakota Digital might have something along these lines. They have adapters to run their OBD-II (CAN) gauges on a pre-OBD-II car.
I assume you're not using a RaceCapture Pro, because those have analog inputs you could use and a Mk2/Mk3 unit could send that data back out over CANbus.
I haven't seen any kind of simple prepackaged analog-to-CAN system but I'd also be interested in one.
Edit: Just looked up the RaceCapture/Track, you should've got a Pro unit for an "analog" car. If the parameters you want are available over OBD2 you may have some options there. Otherwise, I recommend you sell the RC/T and get an RCP, that's probably the easiest solution.
If there is interest, I'll talk to MRS electronics. They might have something. The magic box we use for the ND V8s has a few analog inputs, but it's serious overkill.
"Shoulda" but for 1/3 to 1/2 the price (plus an early in Kickstarter discount) this is what I got.
Keith, if there's a sub-$100 dollar solution out there, I'll buy it. RPM, TPS, oil pressure, water temp inputs to a CAN output.
Sub-$100 may not happen, but I've pinged my CAN specialist.
5/9/17 3:24 p.m.
Couldn't an MS2 be used to provide CAN data based on those analog inputs?
A used MS2 might be near a bill now.
Bingo, here's your magic doodad.
Pricing on the US site - looks like it starts at $133. Needs programming, but I have the tools for that. If you tell me exactly how many and what sort of I/O you need, I can identify which of the variants will work.
Ive got an arduino to obd2 can solution. You can poll it with the torque phone app or whatever floats your boat. Ill dig up the link when im home tonight.
Sorry, I missed the title, you were looking for a 1 board solution. This isnt it.
But if you're comfortable arduino-ing and ordering premade boards slowboated from ebay-china then I've got a sub $10 DIY grassroots solution
This example will make an arduino random number generator for OBD2 scanners. So take it, remove the random number functions and add in analog reads instead.
example boards you can use
Arduino nano board - $2.50
Premade CAN board - ~$2 shipped
16Bit 4 channel analog input card $3 shipped