8/1/14 9:28 a.m.
Better result for less money.
Plus I see the Exocet as a sustainable toy. The Polaris is going to be obsolete in a few years with single source parts supply. As with all motorcycle bodywork, door dings and rock chips will result in a salvage tittle.
That said, if you have that kind of disposable to toss around, I imagine it would make a great toy until the novelty wore out. Wish I was that guy.
I'm not likely to ever own either but given that they are both reverse trikes and if I had the cash I would hands down choose the Morgan even though the Polaris would kick it's ass performance wise at one third of the cost. Because of the styling.
Comparing a $60k toy to a $20k toy is pretty crazy. It's like looking at a Miata and saying "I would rather have a Corvette." Except the Corvette is slower in this case.
Ian F
8/1/14 9:55 a.m.
bgkast wrote:
Don't Morgans start at $60k? And you guys think this is an expensive toy...
Something like that... but that's also why I don't have one. Personally, I think Morgan doesn't really want to sell these but does to meet some sort of whacky EU carbon-footprint mandate. I can't understand why they don't cost any more than $25K. Then again, maybe they backed into the MSRP by estimating how many they might sell and then setting the price from there. It's a cool piece of work, but the $60K price is simply nuts. Who knows...
...and that's why I said I'd more likely get a replica.
Regardless, yes - they are both expensive toys with limited usefulness. Personal preference about appearance is a major factor here. Hell, that's the reason why H-D sells motorcycles compared to most of the other brands that make technically superior bikes.
this polaris is cheaper than the tanom TR3 (which are built less than 20 miles from my home)
the tanoms arguably look better though. also 194 hp and 1040 lbs.

bravenrace wrote:
In reply to beans:
Because we already did.
lighten up francis, no big deal to have multiple posts on the same subject...
some of you guys crack me up as it seems from reading some of these comments you're car guys and not motorcycle guys and you're only able to think about three wheelers as some kind of version of that can am thing or something thats going to immediately flip over on you. I like all vehicles, 2-wheels, 3-wheels, 4-wheels. Three wheelers that sit low to the ground are cool and interesting, a lot more so then the can-am. Speaking of 3-wheelers, who else has been watching Billy Connolly's Route 66 specials????
8/1/14 12:13 p.m.
3-wheelers can be made to handle quite well. There's a lot of good information out there, so those who feel that they are necessarily POS should take the time to educate yourselves. Just because some variants are death traps doesn't mean that they should all be painted with that brush.
Without going into minutae, you can group 3-wheelers into groupings of those that you sit in versus those you sit on. The best example of those you sit on is the Can-Am. which may lack the performance potential of a "real" motorcycle, but it gives you the wind-in-the-hair experience of a motorcycle with less likelihood of becoming intimately aware of the abrasion resistance of your clothing. It's easier to talk a partner into riding with you than a motorcycle (if you are middle-aged or older, which 90 percent of Can-Am riders are)and if you live in a region of the continent where turns are few and far between, it's not a bad way to tour.
The Polaris/Morgan/T-rex is designed to sit inside. I get the Morgan because it's just fun and cool in a way that's difficult to match. But while there's little inherently wrong with the T-rex or Polaris, In almost every way an Exocet, X-bow, or for that matter a Miata is better. It's a novelty, and that's not wrong. I drive a rear-engined car that doesn't say Porsche on it. I know it's not the ideal layout, but I love the car regardless. The Polaris fits in the same way. Considering its origin it's probably well-mannered and great fun. Not my cup of tea, but for some it will be perfect.
plance1 wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to beans:
Because we already did.
lighten up francis, no big deal to have multiple posts on the same subject...
I agree. He asked a question and I answered it. Not sure how you get I need to lighten up from that, but whatever.
8/1/14 1:48 p.m.
You might find a bunch of car enthusiasts who like this because it's almost a motorcycle but not quite.
You'll try really hard to find a motorcycle enthusiast who likes this because it's almost a car.
Where are you going to play with it?
Does SCCA let 3 wheelers play? HPDE? AUTOX?
I know the tip comments, but some photos almost show it lifting on the stock (crappy) tires. I bet it would be a problem if someone put say... Hoosier A6's on it?
8/1/14 6:35 p.m.
Debbie downers.
Sticky front tires, less stickier rear. Could be a fun street 'car'.
Makes me want to make a better version of the beaterblog Miata I almost bought.
For $20,000 you can probably buy a Miata, LS-swap it and run circles around this thing.
All without needing a motorcycle license.
I just want to show up at an MSF class with one and see their reactions.
I can has motorcycle license plz? 
Trans_Maro wrote:
For $20,000 you can probably buy a Miata, LS-swap it and run circles around this thing.
All without needing a motorcycle license.
Not so sure about that (waiting for my test drive in October).
If it is done right, it will turn on a dime (under power) and give you change!
If it won't, Im waiting for a FWD version that will.
Here's another to tickle your imagination (google: trirod / F3 Adrenaline)
Willwood brakes Penske shocks on pull rods Harley torque, feel, and noise.

Feet forward + HD noise and reliability + more weight = no thank you.
These things are a solution to a problem that does not exist.
You need a bike license to operate them.
No-one who rides a motorcycle wants a tricycle unless they're physically unable to ride a motorcycle anymore.
Trans_Maro wrote:
For $20,000 you can probably buy a Miata, LS-swap it and run circles around this thing.
All without needing a motorcycle license.
Yet again this board compares an off the shelf product with a decent (to me) entry price to a custom engine swap on a 20 year old car that is very labour intensive. Good job keep it apples to apples!
A lot of us have a lot of time and little money.
Hence the "Grassroots" part of the forum.
Maybe you would prefer the "Skymall motorsports" forum.
singleslammer wrote:
I think that under 1700 dry is about as good as you can do in the current age of build construction and safety
The Slingshot has no more impressive of build construction and safety than a typical Lotus 7 replica, which has an entire extra corner yet weighs a few hundred pounds less.
bentwrench wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote:
For $20,000 you can probably buy a Miata, LS-swap it and run circles around this thing.
All without needing a motorcycle license.
Not so sure about that (waiting for my test drive in October).
If it is done right, it will turn on a dime (under power) and give you change!
If it won't, Im waiting for a FWD version that will.
Here's another to tickle your imagination (google: trirod / F3 Adrenaline)
Willwood brakes Penske shocks on pull rods Harley torque, feel, and noise.
I like everything about this thing...except the harley engine and noise bit.I've been riding for 35 yrs or so and I'm in the buy a bike or a car camp,really why buy a trike if you can't ride a bike.Get a convertible and call it job done.
Trans_Maro wrote:
For $20,000 you can probably buy a Miata, LS-swap it and run circles around this thing.
All without needing a motorcycle license.
Most people don't think that way, fewer still are capable of going through with it successfully.
New Reader
8/3/14 9:19 a.m.
I like it! Granted, many of us on this board would rather build their own car (and a few actually can!), but is something like this can bring automotive joy to more people, I'm all for it.
I ride a motorcyle as well, but riding a bike isn't for everyone. Yeah, you can buy a bike that will out perform this for less money, but the real point here is to get people out on the road enjoying themselves.
Has anyone here actually driven one yet? Seems like alot of opinions, but no first hand experince with driving one yet. I want to find a dealer and take a test drive!!
8/3/14 10:27 a.m.
Rear contact patch the size of your palm. What happens when it rains?