Put on the headphones for this one. This was Saturday's race that got called part way through cause it started raining monsoon-like.
The SOUND of that car is just amazing. And the telemetry setup is just mesmerizing to watch.I need a cigarette now....
Great stuff. I especially like the opposite lock under brakng
That rain wall reminded me of the GT1 pile-up at the Runoffs circa 1981
Holy crap did 160 come quick. That was awesome.
5/6/09 6:46 p.m.
Wow. I saw that rain from under a tent. I'm really glad I didn't see it from inside an open race car with that kind of firepower. Awesome. I feel like such a little girl now.
Filthy awesome for sure, I particularly enjoyed the camera perspective, it's so much more interesting than an enclosed cockpit.