Ok so just out of idle curiosity can anyone point me to some threads on pro-touring style Dodge trucks? I have seen tons for Chevy C10s and there are tons of parts out there but there doesn't seem to much on early Rams/ D-series/ Ramchargers.
I found these two threads.
In reply to Swank Force One:
I was thinking of the square body style ones but that is cool.
I want that 2nd one, the 1985 D150 short bed. I love those. I looked far and wide for one to serve as my weekend beater truck before I ended up with my 1997 Dakota. For some reason, those 1972-93 or so Dodge short box trucks just do it for me. When my Dakota croaks, I will be looking again.
Side note... who seriously puts those "56k Beware!!!" warnings in thread titles anymore? What is it... 2001? 
To answer the question, how many of them do you see? Of those you see, how many are in a decent enough condition to even worth to fool with? That is the answer.
Besides those points, I dig it.
Thanks for the pic that looks good. I have a new idea for my build!
??? http://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=5969595&page=0&fpart=all&vc=1
5/30/13 5:58 p.m.
I like ProTouring but with all the time and money those guys dump into their cars, it sometimes makes me feel like a failure as a gearhead!
In reply to The_Jed:
It only tells me I can't afford the massive wheels, tires and super special hyper sauce suspensions setup . . .
The blue Ram is nice though. . .
In reply to Ranger50:
There were less of them built then the Chevy or Ford by a decent amount. There is usually one or two ~$1000 running ones on the Craigslist down here at any given time.
In reply to Strike_Zero:
The Dodge in the first thread I posted seems like it was built in the guy's garage using a lot of junkyard parts.
5/31/13 7:39 a.m.
On the topic of Dodge trucks....
I had a black '03 Dakota, brand new, in high school. V6, RCSB, 5-speed, open diff. It was terrible. I loved it.
I want another, but no hood, big, slobbery V8 with a tunnel ram sticking out, built auto, slammed on nascar/steel wheels, and just go trolling up and down the California coast.