i have began to think about my next project,
i have a new house(first time buyer)
and a new baby(first time parents)
i just cant justify racing my stock car(on mothballs in my grandparents barn)
i was thinking maybe autocrossing or drifting?
that got me thinking about small 4cyl rear drive cars and powertrains
i really miss my 86 toy corolla
also really like the low centre of gravity and general layout of the subaru flat 4s
i would like to find an adapter to put the subie up to a chev trans (may have to fab one)
was also thinking it could double as a daily driver
thats whats rattling around in my head right now
ooohh sub-ensteins...me likey!!!
with my trusty mig
bfh, and faithful dog i'll try anything once, twice if i liked it, three times if it was a challange!
any fan of AE86's is a friend of mine...glad to have ya
3/22/09 1:27 p.m.
Check out the other thread on "Brainstorming Project Ideas" at http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/brainstorming-budget-project-ideas/8497/page1/
There's some decent content that's very similar to what you're talking about.
If there was a cheap way to make a WRX engine RWD i would kill for it. The burble of a WRX is simply exotic and in a mechanical way sexy.
I legit would buy any car just to have the WRX engine swapped into it.
i found an adapter for the trans, now i have to find or machine the crank "spigot or bushing", i figure once i have the engine/trans combo together i can look for a body to put it in, i would love to find an old school corolla or 510, rust is a big problem here
3/22/09 8:43 p.m.
The 240SX has been driven into destitution by the "drift" crowd. If it's cheap enough to be in your budget, it's gonna be thrashed into oblivion or rusting apart around you.
Depending on your fab skills, I dont think it would be incredibly tough to put it back Longitudinally into your subie body...you already have the tunnel for the shaft and diff, and no "Drift tax". Just need new mounts really. There should be room up there if you dont mind pushing back the firewall some. And if you wanted to get really crazy (and dont mind death threats from the muscle heads
) what about an old fox/J body? they are dirt cheap here in the midwest.
Is there an adapter for like a WRX engine to a Miata tranny? Maybe a T5? TH-350?
I caught wind that the 3rd generation RX7 tranny bolts to the 6 cylinder SVX motor and that the SVX bolts to the WRX trannies so can the RX7 tranny be used on the WRX motor?
i know WRX motors have been swapped into 914's and 911's...
im thinking front engine RWD setup
Aren't the flat 4s pretty wide?
mrdontplay wrote: Aren't the flat 4s pretty wide?
Yeah, EJ's look like barges
CarKid1989 wrote:
I caught wind that the 3rd generation RX7 tranny bolts to the 6 cylinder SVX motor and that the SVX bolts to the WRX trannies so can the RX7 tranny be used on the WRX motor?
Ooohhh the prospect of an EJ25 living in a FD is friggin awesome!!! That would be slick as E36 M3!!! lots of grunt and no overheating/blown seals?!?!? That Mazda wouldnt know what to do with itself