Seeing Woody's post about Bethania made me remember a recent transaction with Matt and Jerry at
I contacted them recently to ask for their help with something. Due to my own stupidity, I fully expected the answer to be "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do at this point", but, instead, the answer was "We'd be happy to help". I was shocked.
It is unfortunately infrequent that customer service even meets expectations, much less exceeds them. In this instance, DIY went light years beyond. Not only do they support the grassroots enthusiast, they go above and beyond to do so.
I heartily recommend them as a vendor.
3/14/09 7:44 p.m.
Dude, we bought our kit from DIY back a few years ago, and never realized Matt was one of their Techs, yet any problem we'd post on MSEFI he'd promptly reply to and in most cases diagnose our setup w/o ever asking if we bought from DIY, they are in my mind, THE ONLY supplier I'd do business with in the future. The best part for us is that they also happen to be right up the road, and one of these days we'll be taking Matt out for a beer!
3/16/09 12:19 a.m.
Matt, you're welcome. I've bought 2 kits and a lot of parts from you guys and continue to be a big supporter. Now, you just need to get MicroSquirt's for more than one application! ;)
ww wrote:
Now, you just need to get MicroSquirt's for more than one application! ;)
like...oh I dunno...say Infinity G20s...preferrably the P11 (99-02) USDM non touring models...but thats just a suggestion...ya with it what you will
These kinds of comments do more to persuade me and most of the people I know to switch from 1 company to another than any multi-kazillion dollar ad campaign...keep up the good work, and lemme know when you move on to another platform for tuning
Good to know... since I just persuaded a buddy to buy and build a kit from them so I could learn how to setup and tune one vicariously before doing my engine swap over the summer 
So far, everything has gone smoothly but it hasn't started yet. I suspect that is when the "Support" will be handy to have. is the only place I would purchase MS stuff from, and I have 3 MS'ed vehicles. The first I bought from someone else, and it was a total disaster. I won't name names (cough, SnF, cough), but it is working now and I certainly learned a lot fixing their screwups. The next one was from DIY and the one after that had DIY sourced parts like the processor and the MAP Daddy merged with a lot of other stuff from Digikey for a derived work.
ww wrote:
Matt, you're welcome. I've bought 2 kits and a lot of parts from you guys and continue to be a big supporter. Now, you just need to get MicroSquirt's for more than one application! ;)
Are you talking about the MSPNP? We have been working on non-Miata applications, although exactly what is something of a secret. 
MSMatt... do you have any 1st hand knowledge of a MS-II app controlling a BMW VANOS unit?
I have this recurring dream where I stuff an S54 with manual throttlebodies into my E30 but... cam angle will be an issue :)
On/off, yes. Double VANOS or continuously variable, no. They're starting to add some early functions to MS2/Extra with an eye towards working up to continuously variable valve timing control.
MadScientistMatt wrote:
ww wrote:
Matt, you're welcome. I've bought 2 kits and a lot of parts from you guys and continue to be a big supporter. Now, you just need to get MicroSquirt's for more than one application! ;)
Are you talking about the MSPNP? We have been working on non-Miata applications, although exactly what is something of a secret.
Geekspeak for:
Hey dudes, there is a MSPNP in the pipe for Dodge HEMIs and Ford 4.6L SOHC/DOHC!
MadScientistMatt wrote:
On/off, yes. Double VANOS or continuously variable, no. They're starting to add some early functions to MS2/Extra with an eye towards working up to continuously variable valve timing control.
Thanks - good to know that by the time I can afford the motor the support might be there ;)
OP, sorry for the threadjack.
The double vanos might take a while. I've been doing some testing on the MS2/extra code and the frequencies were too low to run the VW stuff. I have a board coming from Jean JBPerf that should be able to step the freq up enough to keep the solenoids from buzzing nutty. After that is to tackle the stupid four trigger late Motronic cam wheel, which might take it's own processor at first as I have no interest in hacking the current code to decode that wheel.
PS I also love DIYAutotune
walterj wrote:
OP, sorry for the threadjack.
No apology necessary. It gets DIY more love, which is why I posted the thread in the first place. 
And you're talking about BMW's. I dream of an S54 in my wagon, a la Rogue Engineering's red beast.. 
3/16/09 7:48 p.m.
Matt, I'm looking more for Holset VGT control, it would have to be a variable voltage input and not for a stepper motor, I know it's been discussed on the developers forums, any word?
I too, have been a VERY happy DIYautotune customer. Keep up the great work guys!
(and if you get MS working with an S54, I'll be sucked into it all over again.
I ordered a MS1 CPU one day way past the ordering deadline for same day shipping. Matt said normally the mail truck was there by then, but was running late and he made sure it got out that day for me.
Awesome service!
Raze wrote:
Matt, I'm looking more for Holset VGT control, it would have to be a variable voltage input and not for a stepper motor, I know it's been discussed on the developers forums, any word?
The existing PWM control may work for this, but I'm not sure if it has been tested. The MSExtra forums would be the best place to ask.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/17/09 2:16 p.m.
We're looking forward to installing MS 'real time' on an RX-7 at The Mitty with the help of DIYAutotune....come watch!
There was one guy with a Mitsu running the VGT control for a later Cummins Holset off a regular PWM boost controller output. However, I cannot find a link for the info at the moment.
Per Schroeder wrote:
We're looking forward to installing MS 'real time' on an RX-7 at The Mitty with the help of DIYAutotune....come watch!
Great follow up to the FM turbo build last year. What gen of RX-7? Turbo or N/A?
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/17/09 2:35 p.m.
Simple stuff: First Gen NA.
3/18/09 7:39 a.m.
Another HUGE fan of DIY. I could not believe the organization involved in there MS kit I bought. Every time I got in the instructions to something I thought I would have to go buy (eg. heat sink compound), I would look through my small labeled bags, and there it was.
I bought my MS1 kit from them in October and my Wideband in Jan (I think). In between those orders, they had a nice $20 off $200 coupon that I missed. I mentioned that I was sorry I missed that offer when I ordered my wideband and they gave it to me. To me there is no other place to buy an MS from.
Greg Voth
Associate Publisher
3/18/09 8:22 a.m.
They will be megasquirting my car at the Mitty. It is basically a 13b with an RX-8 rotating assembly. Go here for details.
I met with Jerry, Matt and the guys at PRI and then on a recent trip to the Atlanta area. More fuel injection knowledge in their pinky than I can imagine learning.
3/18/09 11:07 a.m.
Paul_VR6 wrote:
There was one guy with a Mitsu running the VGT control for a later Cummins Holset off a regular PWM boost controller output. However, I cannot find a link for the info at the moment.
I think you're thinking of Aero who is indeed running one on a DSM but he's using a wastegate with mechanical control of the actuator...