Probably not unusual in a place like GRM, but I was cleaning out my shed today and found a document pack from an e21 I owned several years ago. Upon looking in it, looks like there are documents from two of them in there, a '77 and an '83. Both have some of the original service stamps, an original salesman business card from the dealer, warranty books, radio user's manual (I mean, it wasn't that complicated...), and the best part is some handwritten directions to a location that, based on Google Maps, leads to a wooded area right along the Shenandoah River in Harpers Ferry WV. Interesting stuff.

Looks like older woman’s hand writing
the '77 was registered to a man with the same last name, and I have some other random stuff (inspections, etc.) from that car. I bought it near Harper's Ferry, so that makes sense, though it looks to have originated in Ohio. The '83 looks like it came from Pittsburgh originally.
mr2s2000elise said:
Looks like older woman’s hand writing
hah, I facebooked the name, and ther's someone by that name in WV nearby. As of 2011 she is an older woman, but probably not so back in the '80s ;)
Speaking of finding stuff, when I was about 13 or so, some friends and I were looking through my Dad's things in our attic. At the time he'd lost his job as a museum director and we were packing up to move. My friend Lawrence broke a picture from Dad's office and there was a map inside. It looked to be pretty old and, frightened that we'd be in trouble, we burned it in the fireplace and hid the broken glass under a box of newspapers. That's when we found the treasure; Dad's old Model Motoring slot car set. We had a blast playing with it.
12/18/18 6:30 a.m.
You haven’t followed the directions to find the secret treasure?
I found a newspaper delivery truck filled with 1940’s newspapers as if it got smashed up doing deliveries and just got towed to it’s resting spot chock full of that days newspapers.
I found an elevon for a Mooney once while hiking in the woods. The FAA was all over it when I called them. They arrived 40 minutes after the call to retrieve it.
Do you remember how commonplace written directions like that used to be?
I'll bet I haven't written similar since 2005 or nearly 14 years ago.