Wife's '01 Camaro SS will not start on occasion. Turn the key and nothing happens; no click click click like a bad solenoid, nor slow crank. Just nothing. It's without rhyme or reason - happens when hot, happens when cold. It'll run just fine, when it's push-started and will restart after push-start. Battery/charging system is ok, clutch safety switch isn't the problem, new VATS key had no effect, either.
What am I missing?
Might be the ignition switch is going out? Either that or the starter is having problems. Electrical problems are never fun to figure out, Good luck with solving it.
My 'rolla did that exactly once before the starter motor and solenoid failed. Did that in the morning, then let out two weak cranks when I tried to start it at lunch, then wouldn't crank at all and I had to get a push-start and park on hills for the rest of the day.
Check the wires on the Bendix, intermittant loose?
Every GM vehicle I have messed with has had this problem at some point.
clean/check connection with the stupid side terminal battery.
Those side terminals can very easily seem fine, but have a bad connection which doesn't show until you try the starter and everything falls flat.
Does it have a starter relay in the engine box. I have a few that needed a new relay.
Apexcarver wrote:
Every GM vehicle I have messed with has had this problem at some point.
clean/check connection with the stupid side terminal battery.
Those side terminals can very easily seem fine, but have a bad connection which doesn't show until you try the starter and everything falls flat.
do the dash lights come on ? wouldn't think it's the battery posts if so .... if no dash lights, dome light ... any other lights ( headlight, brakes, tail lights ...etc ) then I'd bet on what Apexcarver said ... intermittent connection at the battery
(had a similar problem with an old Suby)
I had this problem with an 89 and a 96 Maxima. With the 96, the problem was a bad ignition switch that goes on the back side of the key. A simple replacement and all was fine. I never figured out the problem with the 89 and that why it went to Goodwill on the last day you could take a big donation. I loved that car too, but simply didn't need it.
Also had the same problem with my Nissan truck and it was a bad relay.
My girlfriend's old Jetta did exactly this with a bad relay (dash lights still on while attempting to crank), while one of my old Legacies did it because of an intermittent battery connection (no dash lights while attempting).
Dash, fan, radio, etc work fine. I just had the battery (berking damn e36m3 shiny people side posts) disconnected and cleaned posts, as well. Warning lights go out as they normally do when it starts properly, not everything going dead like a bad battery connection. I'll check stater connection this afternoon. That thought had escaped me.
3/14/13 10:21 a.m.
Ground Wire. I replaced the ground wire from the main engine to the battery and it cleared up every electrical issue I had with my Audi.
Clean the contact area on the block as well with some sand paper.
Also check that the starter or solenoid hasnt come loose.
Bad starter/solenoid. The guy at the parts store testing it had the same issue. Sometimes it would spin, sometimes it wouldn't.
Cool! Reasonable cheap fixes are the best.
I wouldn't call it cheap, at $165. But it's MUCH less of a hassle than trying to track down an electrical gremlin.