I'm watching Monster Jam at the moment and noticed one of the drivers tightening his lap belt with what looked like a ratchet mechanism. I drive better if I don't have to worry about staying in the seat and never can get the standard belts tight enough by myself. Have any of you guys ever seen or used something like it?
The CGLock works that way. Darth Chuck uses one, he really likes it.
Or you could just suck in yer gut while buckling in. 
Ian F
12/28/10 11:38 p.m.
A trick with a normal car with sliding seats is to move the seat back a notch or two, connect the lap belt, twisting the male latch a turn or two before latching, then moving the seat back up to your normal driving position. Works surprisingly well and is cheap (free).
DO NOT TWIST THE SEATBELT TOUNGE!!! Believe it or not, in a crash, enough friction is generated to break the seat belt if this is done! I used to do it myself. However, after talking to crash test engineers, I will never do it again!
Put seat back a couple clicks. Yank belt so the auto tensioner locks the belt. Pull seat back up where you want it. Profit.
Having used one in a monster truck, I can testify that they do indeed get you WAY tighter in than pulling the straps ever could. I would push agaisnt a dead pedal to make sure I was all the way in the seat, and then pull super tight, and then rachet on in about 3/4 to 1 turn, and I could hardly breathe. That's when you're in tight enough.
Course, I doubt you would need to be in that tight on a road course or Auto X'ing. I've never done either, but I can't imagine the forces being greater than what an MT driver withstands.
Monsters are kinda my thing.
Welcome aboard, Bowtie!
Maybe in AX it wouldn't need to be that tight but in road race, oh yes it does. 
12/31/10 3:05 a.m.
I can say without question that in road racing, if you want to survive high speed contact or a roll you need the belts to be on so tight that it practically hurts to breathe.
These are on my shopping list. I have had 5 or 6 different sets of belts over the last few years, and getting the lap belt to be tight enough is always the worst feature.
ww wrote:
I can say without question that in road racing, if you want to survive high speed contact or a roll you need the belts to be on so tight that it practically hurts to breathe.
I do the same before every take off and landing.
pilotbraden wrote:
ww wrote:
I can say without question that in road racing, if you want to survive high speed contact or a roll you need the belts to be on so tight that it practically hurts to breathe.
I do the same before every take off and landing.
to be honest that is the safest way to be in any moving vehicle..
You want your body strapped down so tight that the force of the impact moves through you but is not dissipated by your flailing around the car. Tight as can be is the safest.