9/7/10 1:07 a.m.
I've been waiting for months to get these photos. Here is part of the little fleet my dad and I have accumulated...

Not pictured: my '92 Elan, which was designed in the eighties, and Dad's '65 Mustang, which existed during the eighties.
I took the Starion out from under its thick layer of dust today. After boosting it and plugging the coil pack back in (WTF? When did I do that?) it fired right up! Not bad for sitting 2+ years. The vacuum leak seems to be gone since I replaced the intake gasket in 2007, but there's still something funky with the idle speed controller. The rad was dry and I couldn't get antifreeze since it's labour day, so I didn't run it that long. It seems to be drivable though, maybe tomorrow I'll take it around the block just to try it out... I still haven't ever really driven it.
I've been cruising around in the Porsche and the Delorean all month while I've been over here. They're both fun.
9/7/10 1:18 a.m.
Great Scott! (and other cliches), that Delorean is cool.
Once you get the Starion going, I'd be interested to know how it compares to the 944, performance-wise.
944 = cool, Starion = super cool, Delorean = get me some cocaine, that's awesomeness incarnate.
it's the libyans! run for it marty!
Needs more Jiggawatts!
Also I'm jealous of your 944.
I hate you so much right now. That Starion is the hawtness.
The 80s will always be remembered as the best decade ever, and those 3 cars in one collection are a good reason why.
9/7/10 8:44 a.m.
Was just talking to the wife the other day about picking up a Delorean next. I've always liked them.
9/7/10 8:47 a.m.
The Starion is what really caught my eye. The others are cool, but the design on the Starion is just TIMELESS IMO.
Is it wrong that I think the coolest car is the Starion?
Matt B
9/7/10 8:50 a.m.
Man, that's one of the cleanest Starions I think I've ever seen proof of in this day and age. I'm also curious as to how it compares to the 944.
I remember the thread when your dad got the Delorean. Glad to see it's still going strong. No point in telling you how cool it is. You know.
New Reader
9/7/10 9:02 a.m.
That's a fine looking Starion.
I'll always kick myself for passing on a Starion in favor of a Scirocco back in '84. They were close to the same price, but the triple-white Wolfsburg Scirocco won me over at the time. Granted, the Starion was the narrowbody version, but still...
9/7/10 10:18 a.m.
Yeah, Starion is the only other car on my seriously want list, I don't know why, but maybe it's the box flares? 944 = keep it clean, beat it, race it, who cares, it's cool as a lawn ornament. The Delorean is OUTATIME!
The Line up at my house right now is nearly the same, but replace the Starion with a '90 325i (built in '89). Pretty bad ass '80s line up.
pigeon wrote:
The 80s will always be remembered as the best decade ever, and those 3 cars in one collection are a good reason why.
Umm..... ahh..... you did live through the 80s right?
parachute pants, teased hair, bandanas wrapped around the thigh......200hp was a ton of power, yuppies....
Those are super cool cars, a great fleet. Best decade ever? Nah, can't agree there.
Cotton wrote:
Was just talking to the wife the other day about picking up a Delorean next. I've always liked them.
Me too, check out Leno's garage for a great roadtest!
Sorry, but the 80s were, in fact, the best decade ever.
So, I used to work for Mitsubishi and was told a story about the Starion . Someone asked, "So how did the Starion get it's name?" Answer: (In a Japanese accent) "Oh, you know, big horse".
Whether true or not, I don't know, but that's what I was told.
Awesome...simply awesome!!! I am to jealousy what cool is to Bootsy Collins - Jealousy just doesnt begin to describe it. Underhood pics of the fleet?
While thats a pretty good trio right there, it needs more Celica/Supra/Corolla/Wankel/Z-car. When it comes to the 80s...a trifecta just doesnt cover it 
9/7/10 11:36 a.m.
The 80s are my favorite automotive decade.
m4ff3w wrote:
The 80s are my favorite automotive decade.
theres some 70s goodness to be had too....but if i had to pick just one, it would be an easy decision for sure!