Anyone else going, and if so what are you racing? I'm taking my circle track Hornet 240SX. It's stock other than a lot of dents, and currently undergoing some cage upgrades. I'd post a pic but I can't upload one from my files. Why is that?
Anyone else going, and if so what are you racing? I'm taking my circle track Hornet 240SX. It's stock other than a lot of dents, and currently undergoing some cage upgrades. I'd post a pic but I can't upload one from my files. Why is that?
You need something to host the pics, such as Picasa, ImageShack, or similar. Upload your pics there then link them.
I really wanna do this but don't have a caged crapcan. A pal of mine does though, and we're trying to see if we can get it ready in time... this is prolly not realistic as it's been sitting for um quite some time. If it doesn't work out I'll be begging for a spot on someone elses' team...
So we have lemons, chump car & roll x now?
That's the one. We do this one every now and then
last year it was open to all cars and the rules are very lax. You need good personal safety gear and a single roll over hoop and not much else. They join all the ovals together into a road course. It's a blast, but this year we are going to try the rollx instead
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