I finally convinced a friend to get a Datsun 240 he had stashed away in a barn for 2 years back in action and join us for a cruise-in tomorrow night. After getting the inside and outside cleaned up and life back in the engine the clutch was not disengaging.
Confirmed that the slave cylinder is moving and pressure plate fingers are compressing, but power is still going to the rear when in gear with the clutch pushed in. Stepping on the brakes just stalls the car. Anyone ever work through what appears to be rust holding the clutch together without pulling the transmission? I have suggested some spirited driving for tomorrow. Any other tricks?
Yeah. Europas do that all the time if you let them sit for a few months. And they all sit for months (or years) at a time because, uh, Europa. You just need to break it loose. Safely. Like: Put it in reverse if there's nothing behind you, push the clutch in, step on the brakes, hit the starter. Push start it, push the clutch in, give it some gas and stand on the brake. Think about it, get creative and most importantly, be safe.
Put it in first, start it up and drive on down the road. Put your foot on the clutch, then stand on the gas. It should break loose pretty easily.
Yeah, had a spitfire that would do that when it sat. Think of ways to stress the rust and it will free up.
Lil' pb lube otta clear that right up. You wanted it free rights?
I tried the method suggested with a Fiat Dino I once had. That never did work and I ended up pulling the trans to break it loose manually. 
Start in 1st. Get the car jerking, like a really bad launch while the clutch is depressed. You know, like a kid learning to drive. It will pop loose.
Happens on Harleys too.
Toyman01 wrote:
Start in 1st. Get the car jerking, like a really bad launch while the clutch is depressed. You know, like a kid learning to drive. It will pop loose.
Yep, this. You can do it in reverse too, but have a hand on the ignition key just in case things get out of hand! Once it busts loose, slip the clutch a few times (not hard!) to scrub the rust loose then drive on. My dad and I busted the one on his '56 'Vette loose more than once this way.