Let me see a Elantra do these numbers.I have the same setup on my Tc and I'm very happy. There is a lot of haters out there! You just need to find the truth.
Coilovers, 205 Falkens and 19mm rear sway bar let an EGT run .90g on the skidpad. That's with 2 generation old tires 2 sizes too small.
Skidpad grip is almost totally dependent on tire compound, and doesn't make for a very compelling "my car is better than yours" type arguement. You can probably get a an avalon or some other such FWD barge to pull 1g with enough race tire.
In reply to MCarp22:
OOOO, time to stick hoosier A6s on the taurus
In reply to 1966stang:
Here is a direct quote from SSC.
"Numberwise, the upgrades appear to have paid off. On the skidpad, the stock tC circled at a very Camry-like .82g. After the suspension mods and a set of 17x7-inch, 48mm offset, 5Zigen FN01R-C wheels and 225/45-17 Kumho ECSTA MX tires, the tC produced an impressive .91g. Slalom numbers also improved dramatically. The stock tC only mustered 66.1 mph but improved to 71.9 mph post-bolt-ons, which makes it only .4 mph slower through the slalom than the last EVO MR we tested. Not bad, considering the cost."
Let me see a Elantra do these numbers.I have the same setup on my Tc and I'm very happy. There is a lot of haters out there! You just need to find the truth.
i'm glad you're happy w/ your car. that's the whole point, after all.
but those numbers won't get it done in ST. FWIW, a stock Mazda3 corners at ~.9g. so does a stock MINI.
Seems like a decent car, the TC. My wife hates the TC but loves our first gen xB.
Just seems like Scion is more about looking fast than being fast. That being said, I have seen them set up right and with a good driver.
Still prefer a MINI, a 3, or a GTI.
irish44j wrote:
On a side note, two women I work with who own TCs have been in significant accidents in them, and neither one is an aggressive driver by any means. Both lost the rear on the highway in the rain...going straight! The other in the dry...
My GF's friend did that too. Curve in the rain, -touched- the brakes (slower car 5 lengths ahead) went rear first. Didnt really "spin" as much as a perfect 180 at highway speeds.
Resulting wreck showed a broken seat and some severe (for the speed) cabin penetration. At approximately 50 mph. Scary.
BobOfTheFuture wrote:
< a broken seat and some severe (for the speed) cabin penetration.
Back in my high school lover's lane days I had some severe cabin penetration from time to time, but I never broke a seat....
G/f bought a Scion TC after totalling her Celica. She likes it but is not an aggressive driver by any measure.
I've driven it but never in anger. It's an auto-tragic so anger and that car don't mix unless you like thrashing golf karts.
who doesn't love thrashing golf karts???
but the real beauty of thrashing golf karts is that you don't have to be responsible for breaking them.
scions are different.
10/1/09 10:22 a.m.
Not girlfriend's Scions! You're not responsible until she gets that ring. Right? Well, maybe on paper or in a court of law.
1966stang wrote:
Seems like a decent car, the TC. My wife hates the TC but loves our first gen xB.
Just seems like Scion is more about looking fast than being fast. That being said, I have seen them set up right and with a good driver.
Still prefer a MINI, a 3, or a GTI.
Well said! I agree! I waiting for the R20 form VW.
Carson wrote:
Not girlfriend's Scions! You're not responsible until she gets that ring. Right? Well, maybe on paper or in a court of law.
That only works if she does not kow that you fix your own cars. Once that little secret is out, you are done.

...all joking aside, modern cars arent supposed to do that.
new beetle and audi TT both did.
S2000 had nasty reputation for it.
All are modern cars.
We call them "quirky."
nader calls them...
berkeley nader.
andrave wrote:
new beetle and audi TT both did.
S2000 had nasty reputation for it.
All are modern cars.
We call them "quirky."
nader calls them...
berkeley nader.
This is "Say What?" material, Aside from possible... Slander?
Is it slander if everyone agrees with it?
Not sure what would count as slander, actually.
If the car is used to bring a few folks into the sport then I think it's all good. This is GRM; you all need to understand what that means.
Exactly. A couple of the local Scion autocross guys are pretty good guys.
I was more fishing for a mechanical rather than social answer, as in the panoramic sunroof puts too much weight up high or the suspension geometry suffers from (X) problem and is difficult to fix.
For 17K, it is a heck of a deal new. 5K plus cheaper than a GTI, Mini, etc,
1966stang wrote:
Exactly. A couple of the local Scion autocross guys are pretty good guys.
I was more fishing for a mechanical rather than social answer, as in the panoramic sunroof puts too much weight up high or the suspension geometry suffers from (X) problem and is difficult to fix.
For 17K, it is a heck of a deal new. 5K plus cheaper than a GTI, Mini, etc,
Let me try to answer that. Back in 2004 I drove and compared the RSX, VW GTI, and the new Scion Tc. I payed about 4,000 dollars less for the Toyota. With the plethora of aftermarket and TRD parts I still built a car that I feel is as good as the others,as I said I feel. An I stayed under my budget a was happy to say I turned all the wrenches to create my own Tc. That is what Scion is all about Personalizing. Is it the best at a Auto X event no, but it's a great day out to meet people with the same passion.
As for why the car is not seen more at events probably has more to do with how and who the car is market to. If I miss spelled anything sorry.
For a while I thought they made a special package which deleted the sunroof and most of the other options, but I can't imagine that they sold very many of them because autocrossers are probably the only folks who would have appreciated it.
ae86andkp61 wrote:
For a while I thought they made a special package which deleted the sunroof and most of the other options, but I can't imagine that they sold very many of them because autocrossers are probably the only folks who would have appreciated it.
Yes, they did i think it was a one year striped addition. I know that a plastic roof can be bought as well. I kinda feel that the steering rack is the problem. do't quote me ,but I think it's 17 to 1 ratio.
I know that a plastic roof can be bought as well.
Interesting. Is this from Toyota, or is an aftermarket part? I wonder how much weight it would save?
ae86andkp61 wrote:
I know that a plastic roof can be bought as well.
Interesting. Is this from Toyota, or is an aftermarket part? I wonder how much weight it would save?
I beleive it is a Kaminari Carbon fiber roof. Dan Gardner runs it on his NASA National Touring Series Scion Tc