Looking to update the lighting in my garage and have been very intrigued by the screw in led panels.
Like this:
Anyone have anything good or bad to say about those specifically? Any similar ones you love??
The photoshopping in the provided photos is worrying enough. I like the idea, but I can't find any info about them or anybody who's used them.
Yeah that is some cheese on the photoshops. Reviews look good.
TLDR: improvement over a single bulb, but not a replacement for true garage lighting.
I have one in the middle of my garage, replacing a single pot screw in bulb. Had it for about a year with no issues. I have the three pedal style, with an opaque cover over the lights. It's an improvement over a single LED or standard bulb for sure. I think it was like $20 on Amazon.
Don't expect it to be a replacement for proper garage lighting, though. I don't do much tooling in the garage, so for additional lighting when in the garage on cloudy days or nights it's fine. Since it's coming from a central point and shining out, it doesn't cast that true overhead lighting if that's what your looking for.
5/5/21 8:00 a.m.
For similar money, I'd just go this route Barrina tube leds
I just did my whole garage with these:
Great lighting, easy installation, highly recommend.
RevRico said:
For similar money, I'd just go this route Barrina tube leds
Similar money, yes, but not similar convenience. Hard to beat something that you just have to screw into an existing Edison socket.
I have one in a kind of alcove area in my garage. I don't do any work in there, it's just storage, but I could. Thing is bright as hell, almost obnoxiously so.
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
Any pics of it installed?
I got some for my parents garage. They are a MASSIVE improvement over the useless curly q lights that were in there.
i was going to put the Barrina lights in as i have them in my garage, but it was going to be too much work, so i got some of those style ones and they did the trick without having me spending a bunch of time installing.
edit:found the pic dad sent me.

The brighter they are, the worse the shadows are. I have two of those style in mine, plus 10x two tube LED to get to a reasonable amount of light.
In reply to RevRico :
I have them in my cart and it says they are for your wedding registry ha ha! Congrats!