I need to ship the front fender off an S2000 I am parting out and need to know the best way to pack and ship this.
Being an odd shape and prone to bending if UPS were to ever get their hands on it - I've never received anything from UPS that arrived in one piece - what's the best way to preserve it's shape?
Any clue as to how much it should cost to ship from Texas to Ohio?
I haven't checked with anyone one cuz I'm not sure if the packing will up the weight a lot.
Box at least 1.5x the size you would think you would need. Wrap the fender in the big bubble bubble wrap, double layer. Cram the rest of the box with peanuts.
I had two AllTrac fenders shipped to me with no shipping damage like that.
Double double, post post.
Make it into a stackable object and you should'nt have a problem. I've shipped several fenders through ups without issue, just use an appropriately large box and cram said box full of packing paper to isolate the fender from the sides.
Measure the fender and add three inches in every direction, feed those numbers into the ups shipping calculator.
Chances are you are going to get hit with an oversize charge. The package will be billed as 30 pounds because of the size.
Really large boxes end up getting billed as 70 pounds, but a box with a fender in it shouldn't be that big.
what they said.
as long as the box is oversized and very well packed with filler you should be okay.
Both Fedex and UPS have Web based shipping cost estimators. Check'm out...
For my Ebay business I started with UPS and switched to Fedex due to MUCH better service and slightly better prices.
For a fender, the packing material could easily equal the weight of the part. Use that guesstimate for a baseline.
Thanx guys I knew some of you had to have shipped something like this in the past. My experiences with UPS have been sooooo bad that it makes me leary of shipping or receiving anything.
Now to spend a little time with shipgreyhound.
I'm a little more worried about the sides rather than the top since it seems that would be harder to protect from impacts. If I made the skinny side the top do you think they will pay any attention to that?
I just measured the fender and DANG!! if you add 3" to a side that makes the box 5'5" X 36". and a cost of $68 per Greyhound. I've got to check on that bubble wrap method and see what Greyhound says.
When I shipped a fender I built a frame out of 1x2 wood that I slipped the bubble wrapped fender into. Then I cut and taped, package tape not duct tape, a cardboard box to fit the wood frame. Then I stuffed the box w/newspapers to fill the voids (although spray foam should work too). A bit of overkill, but it was more important to arrive intact than save a couple of $$ on shipping. I sent it though UPS and it arrived fine.
2/6/10 9:14 a.m.
For reference, here's a shot of my laptop, as delivered by UPS:

I think they skipped the whole deal with the brown trucks and just dropped it directly from the plane.
Good luck with your fender.
Your photo has been "moved or deleted"
2/6/10 10:21 a.m.
delivery link
Did you laptop get delivered by Jim Carey?
2/6/10 12:19 p.m.
At our salvage operation, we no longer ship any metal body parts. We used to have a 50% damage rate through UPS - and we never get any of our other parts damaged in shipping. Never. Our guys know what they're doing. But apparently body panels are irresistible to the monkeys.