3/12/24 3:18 p.m.
akylekoz said:
In reply to kb58 :
Ha, there is a home made power draw bar on one of our mills, it uses a butterfly impact wrench. Still air powered but home made.
Oh yes, that's the go-to, but the challenge was to make something for those without air compressors. Oh and Harbor Freight has apparently discontinued the butterfly wrench.
In reply to kb58 :
I've been using a 3/8" Dewalt 20V impact on my mill for a few years. I should have upgraded from the 3/8" ratchet years ago.
3/12/24 10:20 p.m.
In other news, I turned this jacking pad adapter out of some 7075 to fit my C8 for my floor jack.

3/12/24 10:22 p.m.
CAinCA said:
In reply to kb58 :
I've been using a 3/8" Dewalt 20V impact on my mill for a few years. I should have upgraded from the 3/8" ratchet years ago.
I purposely bought the "weak" 3/8" Dewalt impact wrench. When I tighten the R8 tool holder, I doubt that I'm applying much more than about 40-50 ft-lbs, and it has never slipped. This wrench produces up to 150 ft-lbs. I can imagine what a 500 ft-lb wrench might do to the draw bar!
So, I heard that nobody's making replacement connectors for the dash mounted '60s Mopar ignition switches.

So here's my first stab at making one, next to the switch it fits. Needs some adjustments, but the holes are close to lining up.
3/31/24 1:02 p.m.
The next clock, "Organic", design by Clayton Boyer, built by me. The long horizontal piece is the pendulum, and a small gear motor "rewinds" it every four minutes or so.

The wife and I have poor impulse control when it comes to marked down birds at the feed store so we wound up with 21 Cornish Cross chicks a couple weeks ago because that's how many they had left in the brooder at $1.20 a piece. They quickly out grew the brooder and we don't have enough space in the coop with the laying hens so I had to build a chicken tractor.
Electric fence because we live on the edge of some very dense forest full of racoons and coyotes. I need to add a second grounding rod to the electric fence it didn't really deter the dogs and barely shocked me when I touched the fence to test it. The wheels are on a locking step lever, step on the end it locks up so you can easily move the tractor around the yard to spread the manure load around.

I bought a set of four JackPoint jack stands. They are designed so you jack each lift point up and slip a stand into place. On my Cayman and C8 if you jack at the rear poitn you can lift that entire side off the ground. I thought it would be easy to slip the front stand into place, but since you're trying to get a 5/8" pin into a 11/16" hole it takes a bit of fiddling to get them in just the right spot. I thought that if the pin was spring loaded it would be easier to get lined up in one shot.
I designed these spring loaded pins and machined two of the top plates to match. The top plates were some of the cheapest, gummiest material I've ever had the displeasure of turning.

Another season, another Ossa pipe for my rapidly expanding collection/problem. This is my first high pipe, and I learned a lot, as always. I'm trying to use as much leftover parts as I can on this bike, so I was shooting for a vintage speed parts kind of look for the pipe and I think I got most of the way there. Still need to build a silencer for it, but otherwise it's "done".

That tickles my brain. Like a combination of a Rubik's cube, mosaic floor, and StarWars. I'd buy it. You certainly have talent in the woodshop.
I bought a 3D printer last week and printed out a light switch cover that is shaped like a Miata valve cover:

I grabbed the file from here:
4/20/24 12:10 p.m.
This is my RC model airplane, based on a 1916 drawing. Two years to design and build. It flew April 1st - about 5 minutes in the air.

4/20/24 1:20 p.m.
Drew and 3D printed an iPhone mount to bore people with my trackdays.
Not bad for a first attempt, tape over the mic didn't muffle enough wind noise and I can't really analyze my lap because my stupid head leans over and covers half the view in the corners.

Finally finished painting and installed the little shelf I made for my home office! It should keep books and magazines off the floor and be a suitable zoom background.

i hate regular shelf brackets and it's sort of a funky space anyway, so I made some "receivers " on the bottom and then the upper brackets too.
Finally finished painting and installed the little shelf I made for my home office! It should keep books and magazines off the floor and be a suitable zoom background.

i hate regular shelf brackets and it's sort of a funky space anyway, so I made some "receivers " on the bottom and then the upper brackets too.
did not make amplifier or railing

5/5/24 3:24 p.m.
Bronco roof shelf. 100% recycled/reused materials. 2x4s, plywood and the screws.

Ramps, jacks, spare Honda transmission and a creeper seat all fit underneath it too.
5/13/24 10:36 p.m.
my wife asked me for a sideboard cabinet for our breakfast nook and by pure luck i finished it for her 2 years later on mother's day weekend. its based off of this popular woodworking plan. mainly rainbow poplar with walnut legs and accents, and a slightly spalted maple top. i have so much respect for cabinet builders now. feels kinda grassrootsy, most of the lumber was either well priced local sawed material or scrap i bought at yard sales and a lot of my tools are used or hand-me-downs. i built a lot of it on a costco 6ft plastic folding table when my little workbench was full. you can do this stuff!

(those glass thingies on the top are glass telephone pole "bell" insulators. relics my FIL gave us from his time with Bell Atlantic, we think they just look pretty, and they're a good story)

dovetails compliments of a Porter Cable jig. no way i could hand-cut that stuff.

I found out our baby's gender before my wife. She found out when he was born.
I took like an hour the other day to whip this up with what was left in the garage. It can hopefully be one more surprise for her when we come home

Last fall the flashing around a plumbing vent on the roof leaked taking out a bedroom ceiling below. We got the that section of roof recovered and will do the rest this summer.
The vent tube WAS 6" cast iron, they cut it flush and married in a 5" PVC tube. Boring.

A rattle can lid carved out, then lexan glued in from behind and painted. Bought a cup like cap to keep the rain and leaves out.

I foresee Roof Minions popping up in suburbs all over!

Just Lamin-X and time.🍷
Shadowbox keyboard table I made for a friend. Came out way better than I thought it would. 
5/22/24 10:18 p.m.
In reply to olpro :
I don't fully understand how that works, but it's amazing. Such a cool model!