I'm not sure how I got the BMW sold. I did put the ad up on Autotrader, but I also posted on various other forums and I think Craigslist. Right now, for the ST, I only have the Autotrader ad and the ad here on this forum.
SilverFleet wrote: Is this one yours? http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=02346&endYear=2016&modelCode1=FOCUS&showcaseOwnerId=3948304&startYear=1981&makeCode1=FORD&listingType=used&listingTypes=used%2Ccertified&searchRadius=100&showcaseListingId=410752401&trim1=FOCUS|ST&mmt=[FORD[FOCUS[FOCUS%257CST]][]]&listingId=411566720&Log=0 If so, that is a great deal for someone! That's less than a lot of the ST2's that are out there. I wish I was in the market, otherwise, I'd be all over it.
This is mine, less miles.