So, I made it. A year ago tomorrow, I started working in professional motorsports, transitioning from being a resort accountant for 17+ years.
What an experience. I took the role as Team coordinator/Logistics for a pro rally and rallycross team.
Oddly it used a lot more of my skills from previous job than I ever thought possible. As time and staff dynamics changed, I found myself spending my time on rallycross 75% of the time. I ended up on event for two rallies, and nine rallycrosses. I spent about 25,000 miles in the air, and drove half way across the country just once. Even managed to get my passport stamped.
It was hard work, but fun stuff. Got to meet and become friends with a lot of great new folks on our team and others. It is a job, and it isn't always roses, but the good out weighs the negative most of the time. It is a rather amazing process to see it all come together.
If you ever get the chance, and can make the numbers work, give it a try. I came very close to not doing it, glad I did.
Awesome! Need any engineers?
Great story. Congrats on the anniversary.
12/8/14 10:50 a.m.
icaneat50eggs wrote:
Awesome! Need any engineers?
Me too! Me too! And congrats on living the dream.
icaneat50eggs wrote:
Awesome! Need any engineers?
actually, sort of.
They've had this posted for long time, but haven't hired for it. They have been mostly in a circling pattern as they determine what the ideal skill set is. They have several folks in mind for it, but it is still technically an open posting.
12/8/14 11:45 a.m.
Congratulations, that's great! 
Glad that someone who is loving the position is enjoying it, I steered a few people towards the posting when it was up. I do something similar for a sanctioning body and it's amazing what you find yourself doing at times from week to week and the range of what you end up doing. It's a lot of work but I know that there's nothing else I'd rather be doing (that I could get paid for at least).
Hey are you going to be working at the first GRC event next year? If so we'll have to meet this time.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Hey are you going to be working at the first GRC event next year? If so we'll have to meet this time.
I'll likely be at most if not all the GRC events next season, official schedule has not been released yet.
captain downshift:
I could see how this could be a frustrating job for certain folks, but it seems to suit me. Certainly some moments are better than others. It's nice when everything works out. Tend to be a bit of fire fighter, so I end up helping out where it's needed. Need to really push to get every item planned ahead of time. Sometimes it can be like herding cats.
Awesome!!!! I did that for a few years with a professional sports car team, and then in NASCAR when they made the jump. It's a LOT of work, more than most realize.
Sachilles Congrats on doing it.
Racerdave600 you are totally correct it"s a lot of work. I have only done it on a part time basis filling in for people when emergencies left an organization short staffed. It was a great way to earn extra cash, a couple of the gigs paid quite well but the days are long as there is so much to be done and to do it full time will involve a lot of travel. For me the travel part is a deal breaker as it's not a good fit for our life. I did get to do some cool events and work with some top flight people who'd won some of the most iconic events.
There are a lot of great jobs in Motorsports, if it's your dream give it a try even if it is only for a year. Sachilles again kudos to you for doing this, even if you only do it for a short time you will have had a great experience doing something you are passionate about.
Glad to hear you took the plunge and it's working out.
Congratulations on working your dream.
12/10/14 1:06 a.m.
I'm looking for work and this thread's got me thinking so I'm glad you posted it. I have a construction / facilities background and I wonder if I could get a job at a race track...hmmmm
Living the dream, I am jelly 
This thread makes me realize we never hear from The Duke of Understeer anymore.
plance1 wrote:
I'm looking for work and this thread's got me thinking so I'm glad you posted it. I have a construction / facilities background and I wonder if I could get a job at a race track...hmmmm
Truth is, the bigger teams are good size companies, with big facilities and all the work that goes along with it. Our facility manager is a seriously busy dude, and he also does technician duty on one of the rally teams as needed.
There is also another option many over look.
My honest opinion is that if you don't mind driving, and have a CDL you can certainly find a spot on a team.
as mentioned above the travel can be tough. I have a 5 year old son. However when I agreed to do the job, I put limits on the amount of travel I'd allow. I was surprised they went for it. I do find I enjoy the travel, but I miss my son(and my wife) while I'm on the road. Thankfully the trips are usually quite sort. Our particular niche in motorsports doesn't require as much road work as a nascar type of team. The advent of skype also helps.
I should also mention, the owner is very good to us. Treats us very good at home and on the road. Supports mine and other teammates desire to participate in our own motorsport hobbies.
12/10/14 2:46 p.m.
In reply to sachilles:
A year already Seth? Wow, time flies... Congratulations and here is wishing you another good one.