... and promptly some shiny happy person appears to have used the corner of the front bumper as a navigational aid, despite her parking away from the other cars.
It's not a lot of damage - the corner of the bumper is pushed down a bit and the paint on the eyebrow under the headlight has been scraped off, but a little respect for other people's property would have been nice. Either way with me being me, it looks like I get to spend part of Labor Day weekend taking the bumper cover off to assess the damage. Yay.
It's just a car!
Or at least that's what everyone tells me when I park away from everyone and come back to find a rattle trap0 car parked so close you can't open the door or dingage of some sort.
I'm with you tho. A little respect for someone else's property would be nice.
Ask loss-prevention to review the surveillance tapes.
This is why I avoid the above store at all cost. Most people what shop/ work there seem too suck at life.
I like "...too suck at life." Somehow that spelling seems even more appropriate in this case.
Fact is - most folks view their vehicles as nothing more than a device or tool to get from point A to point B. And they're pretty sure that's how you should view your vehicle as well. Sorry to hear about the incident. That's why we have an 'urban assault vehicle' - mother-in-law's 43k mile 2000 Honda Accord. Mechanically perfect. Interior perfect. Body/paint - enough dings/scratches that we park it where ever we like and don't give it a thought. On the cars I care about - haven't incurred so much as a ding since 1978! But have incurred a lot of long walks.....
Donebrokeit wrote:
This is why I avoid the above store at all cost. Most people what shop/ work there seem too suck at life.
This really has nothing to do with WalMart and everything to do with people's attitudes. I've had the same thing happen at the movie theater, grocery story, auto store (and wouldn't you think you'd be safe at an auto store?), high end mall, you name it.
Basically most people suck.
carguy123 wrote:
It's just a car!
Or at least that's what everyone tells me when I park away from everyone and come back to find a rattle trap0 car parked so close you can't open the door or dingage of some sort.
And yet if you respond with "And you're just meat", they put you in a straitjacket and one of those masks that keeps you from biting things.
carguy123 wrote:
This really has nothing to do with WalMart and everything to do with people's attitudes...
Basically most people suck.
Walmart is pretty bottom of the barrel...
fully agree on most people sucking though.
And that's one of the reasons I don't go to WalMart. It attracts the LCD.
Also, it's a Range Rover. They are supposed to be bashed around a little.
Might have been one of those "they can afford to fix it" moments
8/17/13 8:48 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
ebonyandivory wrote:
Ask loss-prevention to review the surveillance tapes.
This is the answer
Yup. You're in America now. We expect this kind of thing.
I work in a building full of white-collar professionals and military officers, and park in a garage that is typically full. I gave up long ago worrying about dings and dents. I find that the more well-off another person is, the LESS they care about other peoples' vehicles in a parking lot.
I can see my car on the roof of the garage from my office and I once watched a guy in a crappy little tercel slither out of his door opening and avoid putting his door against my car.
The only time I've caught a culprit was an e46 M3 who just opened his door hard as hell into mine after he parked across the lines. I just happened to be walking up to the car when he did it. His insurance and his CO heard about it.
But when you have a Subaru, you just don't worry about dings. The sheet metal is so thin that it gets dings from someone giving it a dirty stare.....
I echo all of these comments, it doesn't matter where you park, or how far away you park, or how isolated your car is, when you come out some ding dong is going to be parked right next to you, it never, ever fails. They do it on purpose just to show you that you aren't someone special.
I used to enjoy door dings when I was driving a 2 door 1978 Delta 88. The doors were 4' long and weighed about 300# If my junk got dinged, I would return the favor, with interest. 
I'm pretty sure I totaled a Toyota, driven by a fat cow, hauling her fat calves. I was sitting in the car when she and her fat kid dinged it, and then wanted to get mouthy when I called her out on it.
Ah to be young, dumb, and full...never mind.
Sorry about your Range Rover. Best bet for parking at Wally's World is around the side of the building as far back as you can get. The idiots don't park there. because they get lost finding the doors if they can't see them.
plance1 wrote:
I echo all of these comments, it doesn't matter where you park, or how far away you park, or how isolated your car is, when you come out some ding dong is going to be parked right next to you, it never, ever fails. They do it on purpose just to show you that you aren't someone special.
I have often thought that.
That is why I park -all- the way at the end with the employees.
mad_machine wrote:
plance1 wrote:
I echo all of these comments, it doesn't matter where you park, or how far away you park, or how isolated your car is, when you come out some ding dong is going to be parked right next to you, it never, ever fails. They do it on purpose just to show you that you aren't someone special.
I have often thought that.
That is why I park -all- the way at the end with the employees.
Yep, I've found that the "I'm going to park my POS next to your nice car and dent it just because I'm jealous" crowd are also the extraordinarily lazy crowd who are only willing to walk so far.
I don't mind parking in Siberia. I could use the exercise.
Though I generally take the 20-year-old, beat-up car when I go to Wally World, just in case.
Sky_Render wrote:
Though I generally take the 20-year-old, beat-up car when I go to Wally World, just in case.
Me, too, but the two cars that fall into that category both have manual transmissions and the wife doesn't do manual.
Guess that's another reason to get a cool beater pickup truck. Especially one that looks like the other person's car would need a tetanus shot if it got too close.
One good thing about Florida - really wide parking spaces. Between that and the beefy door strips, I haven't gotten a door ding yet.