There are about a dozen EXTENSIVE discussion threads in the various rally facebook groups that have been going on today, so here's the gist that I gathered from it. Take this all with a grain of salt as I am hardly a rally veteran so this is mostly what I've read secondhand from people who have been doing it for a long time and/or are active in the rally scene nationally.
RA is on the way out. The Foggs have been losing money, basically, and the overall rally community hates them and feels that they were just in it to turn profit and didn't care about rally (well, not everyone but a lot of people seem to feel that way). USRA tried to take over events last year but it didn't work because RA had non-compete agreements with most of the rallies it sanctioned, and USRA folded before it even got off the ground. RA is still publicly not saying anything about going away, but then again they have 4 more events this year so can't exactly kill interest in those before they happen, with money on the line. I would expect that RA will be a non-entity next year, though.
Those agreements expire for the 2017 season. So ARA, which is Tim O'Neill from Team O'Neill Rally School and some other guys formed a new sanctioning body and already inked agreements with 4 of the 8 events that RA sanctioned for 2016, for 2017. The general expectation is that they will sign up with the other four as well, and RA will cease to exist entirely. Apparently one upside is that they fees that ARA charges as a nonprofit to the rally organizers will likely be less than what RA charged, which should help both the organizers and competitors financially. We will see, I guess.
ARA will apparently run similar series/classes/etc to RA, but as a non-profit and also with apparently significant inputs by ALL ARA members regarding rules and such. RA was basically a dictatorship and did not answer to the competitors at all, from what I gather (and did not communicate well with competitors either, in my own limited personal experience)
Other rumor is that Subaru and Ford (both of which supposedly disliked dealing with the Foggs) are on board with ARA (Ford sponsors O'Neill Rally School aready and SUbaru would be foolish to drop out of the rally scene), so that would be good to have two major manufacturers supporting. Some rumor that Subaru and/or Ford are also saying they'll cover any legal issues that RA may try to levy against ARA, but I have no actual facts whether that is the case or what these legal issues could be, so that might just be a rumor.
NASA Rally Sport will basically continue as-is in the US, and also expand to sanction some Canadian events as previously noted above. NRS is more grassroots and only regional rallies, essentially. So while there is overlap, NRS is not really a direct competitor to RA/ARA from what I can tell, since the latter are hosting national series and NRS does not.
Also, SCCA is back in the game with rallysprints (basically shorter stage rallies) since last year. Some may recall that they took over Wellsboro Winter Rally last year from Rally America (which we competed in and which ran very well, I thought, other than lousy non-winter conditions). SCCA apparently has a pretty good lineup of rallysprints expected for later this year and next year.
Cliffs: RA will probably go away totally. ARA will take over most of their events, if not all of them, but presumably with more competitor input into how things are run nationally. NRS will not really change other than adding some Canadian events. SCCA will keep on with rallysprint but not expected to do full stage-rally.
Also remember, these are just sanctioing bodies to provide licensing, logbooking, and insurance. Each rally are locally-run so STPR or ESPR or Magnum Opus will basically be exactly the same other than having a different sanctioning body.
All in all, I don't expect any huge changes from the regional competitor point of view at least. We still plan to run primarily NASA events and some SCCA rallysprints, but this does give us hope that our "local" event STPR could be more affordable for us next year under ARA sanction (that's a hope, at least, with no basis in actual fact at this point).
Overall, if everything pans out as expected most people seem to think this will all be a plus for the competitors in terms of their input into rally rules, etc, and perhaps financially. Less about whether this will "make rally more popular" or result in better media (RA changed like $3k per event for photographer licenses from what I've heard, which really pissed people off apparently).
In any case, lots of discussion on the facebook North American Rally (Discussion Group) if anyone wants to see the massive soap opera which is rally lol