Before I open this up to more folks, what's still missing or broken? There's been a lot of stuff mentioned, and I think I've got most all of it, but if I haven't, speak up.
Before I open this up to more folks, what's still missing or broken? There's been a lot of stuff mentioned, and I think I've got most all of it, but if I haven't, speak up.
Outside of the lack of middle page control that Alfa mentioned I think it is good. Different but good.
The page listing I'm missing is the one that shows up after the topics. On the old board once you pick a forum it lists all the topics and in brackets shows the number of pages and you can click on the one you want to go to instead of going to page one first.
My screen says Hello, wally and my wife has informed me I have Windowa Vista and Internet Explorer 7
Wally, I'm inclined to leave that so you can jump directly to first page, or the last page (right side column links to the last post)... I just don't think too many folks are inclined to want to jump into the middle.
I didn't realize it would take me to the last post. It's a good thing you picked someone illiterate to try and idiot proof everything.
Yup, I didn't ask why, but I suspect just a lack of traffic. Of course Canadian readers are welcome to post.
I thought we were ignoring them. :nice:
OK, here's something wonky for ya. I have noticed that in the multiple-page threads, when I go back and edit a post that I have just made and click "add Post" I get returned to a spot a couple pages before. The post always gets updated, but I'm like, "WTF? Where am I?"
Windows XP IE7
In the "Latest Topics" thread view, if I click on the title, it takes me to page one. Could it instead jump me to the last page I viewed?
You can jump to the last topic (right-side "last post") column, and multi-page topics are now showing their pages.
The right column takes you to to last post, but I still havn't figured out how to go to the last post I viewed.
Also, when I click on "Your Posts" I see the thread titles, is there a way to have the first line of my actual posts show up? I often forget what I posted in which threads and spend alot of time hunting around.
Let me see what I can do on that, Wowak. I think it should be no problem. I've got a session/cookie/login issue to fix first. Stupid IE.
OK... when you go to "Your posts", or to view someone else's board posts, it will show the preview of their 5 most recent posts in that topic.
If you have "show previews" turned off in your profile, they will be collapsed by default. There's a button up top to expand them if you'd like. Or change the setting in your profile and it remembers your preference.
This is a test of the reply system.
Also, while I'm trying this: the "your comment" box is being a Germany to the "preview" boxes' Poland.
You'll need to log in to post.