Last night my g/f and I are driving home from a concert. I'm in the Mazdaspeed3 which is no slouch in the speed department. What pulls up next to me but Joe Hair Gel with his dime sized glittery ear ring and his sorority girl in the passenger seat. Trouble is..he's driving a Porsche GT something.
I look over at him and I'm smiling. I was having fun ya know? I'd just seen Delta Spirit and The Shins. Not my usual kind of music but it was a really good show all thanks to She Who Believes In Going Dutch in my passenger seat. Maybe my grin was misconstrued.
As the light goes green he punches it, cuts in front of me, and proceeds to accelerate away.
Let me build the environment. We're on a city street with two lanes in one direction. The intersection we are at crosses 4 lanes of city street (two each way) and dumps right into a local urban college (Virginia Commonwealth Univ) which has it's own police force that patrols something like 10 city blocks. In other words there is a high likely hood of police presence.
I was sorely tempted to at least test the Speed3 vs the Wunderkind but my more adult side took over and I let him go. The lights were such that we stayed close by but never were window to window.
The reason I mention being window to window is I had decided to invite him to the VIR trackday I'm going to on May 22nd. It's a Porsche Club event so he'd be more than welcome. Then I started thinking, why not make up some cards that say something to that effect? On one side have my name and the cars I campaign. That way they can find me to settle our "score". On the other side I could list the events I will most likely attend.
Maybe a solution to being a complete idiot and street racing.
Also, it becomes a test of skills and car vs a test of who's willing to break the most laws.
5/14/09 9:28 a.m.
Ohhh, do I hear a thrilling movie trailer in all of this. (kinda like beerfest but no drinking and all driving) 
You drink at night AFTER driving, son.
"More than you can afford pal..."
ARSCCA used to have cards. On one side it said "Nice car, wanna race?" On the other side it had our schedule printed and our web address.
I'm fairly certain I know the exact intersection you're talking about. To punch it from that light? Yeah, you'd have to be high or dumb - between the VCU cops and the city cops...there's bound to be at least one of them close by.
The first rule of Race Club is: You don't talk about Race Club.
5/14/09 11:47 a.m.
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..."
The reason I mention being window to window is I had decided to invite him to the VIR trackday I'm going to on May 22nd.
KUDOS! It's tough not getting sucked into that E36 M3, but you're better for it. Fortunately(?) for me, I no longer own a vehicle fast enough to be tempted into a street race.
That's a good idea, but remember a lot of the bling-bling & trophy wife crowd get in over their heads very quickly at a track day. They won't listen to their instructors, and they're rude to everyone in the paddock.
Like the guy in the viper:
That being said, I'd rather see them do it on a race track (as long as they're not in my run group) than on the highway.
i love it when guidos try to race me in my rabbit...
"ya dude i totally spanked A 84 VOLKSWAGN RABBIT!!"
Ahh... douchebags and cars (a funny yet frustrating subject)
Glad to hear you resisted the temptation! Well done ol' chap.
I like the idea of sending these guys to the track, but perhaps autocross is a less dangerous introduction to reality (for not only them, but others at HPDEs as well. lol)
Sounds like someone is a bit of a chicken. Bock! Bock! You couldn't handle my awesome German engineering, were jealous of my hot girlfriend, and are displaying penis envy at the size of my gold bling yo! 
Yeah, congrats on keeping it safe.
I've had a few of the summer night, windows down, stopped at a red light scenarios where someone has pulled up and hollered, "Hey, wanna race?" and I've replied, "Sure, I'll be out at the racetrack next weekend, registration opens at 8AM. See you there?"
It hasn't worked yet, but I figure it is worth a try. 
I would have shown that guy my tail lights.
The list of people who should not street drive a mega horsepower all wheel drive car with a 2-step has my name right at the top.
Explain "She Who Believes In Going Dutch".
I do not understand.
Everybody pays for themselves.
5/14/09 8:55 p.m.
I thought she liked to play "Hans Brinker" from time to time. Either could make her a winner though.
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
i love it when guidos try to race me in my rabbit...
"ya dude i totally spanked A 84 VOLKSWAGN RABBIT!!"
I get a lot of that BMW E36 when I'm in the Corrado, especially from V6 Grand Ams for some reason. They see that VW badge, and just go nuts. "SOMEBODY I CAN BEAT!!!!"
I'm sorry to admit that if the road isn't dangerous, sometimes I'm not as much of a man as Xceler8x is.
pinchvalve wrote:
Sounds like someone is a bit of a chicken. Bock! Bock! You couldn't handle my awesome German engineering, were jealous of my hot girlfriend, and are displaying penis envy at the size of my gold bling yo!
You're right Pinchie. 
I appreciate the good will fellas. I can't say that I'm always doing the right thing. Sometimes when the rabbit runs the dog starts chasing. Then, while running he thinks "How'd I end up here?"
That happened the other day when I got passed by an obviously hopped up Chrysler 300 that was being hounded by a modified 350z. I stopped after about 30 seconds but that was still stupid ya know?
That experience helped my self control in the incident I mentioned above. Since this has happened almost twice I'm contemplating ways around the temptation. That's the reason I floated my card idea to you guys. For feedback purposes.