2/24/15 12:58 p.m.
I place an ad for a transmission, a turbo 400 transmission I've had since the late 80's. Came out of my neighbors car, a 69 olds delta if you must know. Yes, I've had it all this time. Some dude emails me and says he's interested. I write back, ok and I answered a couple of his questions. He emails me back and says to call him. He notes in his email that he lives nearby. He also states hes been sick and in bed and may have trouble getting to the phone so to let it ring when I call. I email him back and say I can't at the moment as I was in a meeting with my tax guy and that I will call him as soon as I can. And I added, since he was sick, that if he wanted I could deliver it to him. So I get out of the meeting, I call the guy and starts rambling how I should "let it go." I ask him what he means and he rambles on some more and says something to the effect that he didn't need to hear my life story because he "has cancer" and therefore he's no longer interested.
He has cancer, so he wins the "life sucks" argument.
I was going to say sucks for him he has the big C. All you got is a case of the old transmissions. 
Hopefully, he does have cancer, and is not just saying that for some sympathy.
It also seems like a bunch of stupid tire kickers do that sort of crap.
2/24/15 1:37 p.m.
Well, judging by that phone conversation heavy sedation could have been involved. But I commend you sir, at least you bother to answer e-mail/responses to your ad (like many craigslist posters fail to do, even when contacted in the manner they specify)
2/24/15 2:20 p.m.
dean1484 wrote:
I was going to say sucks for him he has the big C. All you got is a case of the old transmissions.
Agreed. I felt bad for the guy, I still do, that's why I offered to take it to him. Ever lug around an old turbo 400 transmission? Not fun, especially for a wimp like me. Maybe it was the meds (his meds, not mine), I don't know.
2/24/15 3:58 p.m.
In reply to Appleseed:
He should include that if he reposts the trans. 
I loathe posting stuff for sale on CL. I'm amazed that my last car sold relatively easy in 3 days on there last time and I was spared the torture last time.
Nothing more frustrating to me then lower priced stuff like wheels though. I've had the same shiny happy person s email or text me multiple times with insulting low ball offers that I refused only to do it again 3 days later because they forgot they already sent me a lowball offer once.
I actually told one guy that kept lowballing and flaking that I would drive the damn wheels to him the next day to deliver for an extra $30 just so it guaranteed the sale and I got the cash for them in a timely manner. At least that got them sold.
Appleseed wrote:
I don't know why but I just started laughing out loud sitting here at my local pizza joint after reading that.
Is the cancer transmissible?
2/24/15 4:33 p.m.
i've had a bazillion emails from craigslist people because i posted that i was parting the wrx and put up front that there is no engine or transmission. half the emails have been about the trans, the other half say "text me about wrx parts"
I have a few things I should sell , but I just can't bring that on myself, I'd rather let them sit in the basement
It's your own fault for calling him. Never, ever do that when you have something for sale.
2/24/15 7:44 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote:
It's your own fault for calling him. Never, ever do that when you have something for sale.
Hmmmm. I never heard that one before.... I agree with you though, up until a point. For example, I never, never put my phone number in any ad. But at some point I think verbal communication has to occur and I thought I reached that point. Oh how wrong I was. I hung up on him and then I sent him an email which I won't reprint here because I know there are young, impressionable kids on here who might be a bit unsettled with what I wrote. Basically I noted that explaining to him why I wasn't able to call him back right away doesn't constitute telling a person my life story (very dull, not worth the amount I am asking for the TH400) and that telling me he has cancer is in fact telling me HIS life story. I reminded him that I in fact was willing to take the dang thing to him. Hes now sending me emails such as this:
"its Hillers like you who put in a Craigslist ad in and are just too STUPIT!!! to just make the sale easy. Like I care about your tax mood. Just sell the item. Tried to make it easy but your just stupit. Once a hiller always a hiller no matter where he lives."
So now I'm a "hiller" I think he means Hitler? Or does he know that I live on a hill? I don't know anymore...
2/24/15 8:11 p.m.
Along these lines I have recently moved to bold text in my craigslist ads stating NO TRADES. The number of arrangements offered is staggering...
plance1 wrote:
Zomby Woof wrote:
It's your own fault for calling him. Never, ever do that when you have something for sale.
Hmmmm. I never heard that one before.... I agree with you though, up until a point. For example, I never, never put my phone number in any ad. But at some point I think verbal communication has to occur and I thought I reached that point. Oh how wrong I was. I hung up on him and then I sent him an email which I won't reprint here because I know there are young, impressionable kids on here who might be a bit unsettled with what I wrote. Basically I noted that explaining to him why I wasn't able to call him back right away doesn't constitute telling a person my life story (very dull, not worth the amount I am asking for the TH400) and that telling me he has cancer is in fact telling me HIS life story. I reminded him that I in fact was willing to take the dang thing to him. Hes now sending me emails such as this:
"its Hillers like you who put in a Craigslist ad in and are just too STUPIT!!! to just make the sale easy. Like I care about your tax mood. Just sell the item. Tried to make it easy but your just stupit. Once a hiller always a hiller no matter where he lives."
So now I'm a "hiller" I think he means Hitler? Or does he know that I live on a hill? I don't know anymore...
Why are you still talking to this guy? The dude was right all along... "Let it go".
mad_machine wrote:
2002maniac wrote:
Is the cancer transmissible?
But only with a converter.
Seinfeld transmission Nazi.
2/24/15 9:02 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
2002maniac wrote:
Is the cancer transmissible?
But only with a converter.
Either way, this dude could use a shift in attitude.
I've decided I'd rather pay Ebay and Paypal their cut than deal with Craigslist if its at all possible. I listed a trailer a few months ago on Ebay. Someone local contacted me and asked to end the auction early. I declined and ended up making significantly more even after I was done paying the fees.
2/24/15 10:53 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
plance1 wrote:
Zomby Woof wrote:
It's your own fault for calling him. Never, ever do that when you have something for sale.
Hmmmm. I never heard that one before.... I agree with you though, up until a point. For example, I never, never put my phone number in any ad. But at some point I think verbal communication has to occur and I thought I reached that point. Oh how wrong I was. I hung up on him and then I sent him an email which I won't reprint here because I know there are young, impressionable kids on here who might be a bit unsettled with what I wrote. Basically I noted that explaining to him why I wasn't able to call him back right away doesn't constitute telling a person my life story (very dull, not worth the amount I am asking for the TH400) and that telling me he has cancer is in fact telling me HIS life story. I reminded him that I in fact was willing to take the dang thing to him. Hes now sending me emails such as this:
"its Hillers like you who put in a Craigslist ad in and are just too STUPIT!!! to just make the sale easy. Like I care about your tax mood. Just sell the item. Tried to make it easy but your just stupit. Once a hiller always a hiller no matter where he lives."
So now I'm a "hiller" I think he means Hitler? Or does he know that I live on a hill? I don't know anymore...
Why are you still talking to this guy? The dude was right all along... "Let it go".
Because it makes for a good story and it gives our fellow grmers a chance to practice their puns. A witty bunch these guys....although I have to say the latest comments aren't as funny as the earlier ones, you could say the quality of the jokes is, you know, slipping a little....
I have a 5 speed for a BMW 320 sitting in a cool, dry storage space. Purchased it 15 years ago with just over 100k miles for $100. The passage of time and the growing demand of the 2002 clan pinning for one more thing to make their cars drivable has give me an idea.
I will trade, straight across, for a Mazda Miata NA hard top.
Red or white.
Now, I think I will start on Craig's list.