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759NRNG UberDork
4/22/22 9:34 p.m.

Beltronics  radar detector no speeding tickets since 2005. Five to ten(min) above the limit always, but no shenanigans in town around the schools. Be safe out there and put the DANG PHONE DOWN!!!!!....gotta go

Curtis73 (Forum Supporter)
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/22/22 9:50 p.m.

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

Let's say you're going 20 miles to a destination.  The posted speed limit is 60, so it should take you about 20 minutes to get there.  So let's say you're 5 minutes late and decide to drive 65 instead.  It will take 18.75 minutes to get there.  You're not closing the gap and suddenly on time.  In order to make that 20 miles in 15 minutes, you would need to drive 81 mph.  Speeding never made sense to me.  The problem is, speeding doesn't really help you get there faster.  As a "slow" driver, I watch it all the time.  Just this morning someone flew up behind me on the highway and had to wait to change lanes, so the lane clears and they zoom around me at full throttle.  We both took the same exit, got stopped at the same lights, and arrived downtown at the same time.  Only difference was that I was driving safer and was probably less likely to cause an accident or injury, and I certainly didn't have a target on my back like the other car did.

Even when I'm driving 250 miles to camp, if I go 5 mph faster, it only saves me 14 minutes out of a nearly 4 hour trip.  Just not worth it to me.

The bottom line of "why does bad stuff happen to good people" in this case (sorry to say) is because your good people friend broke a law.  Doesn't matter if we agree with the law or not, it done did get broked.  It's not some universal karma or punishment for not tipping a waiter enough last night, it's just A + B = C.

Having said that, I'm guilty of it.  I have found myself in a stressed situation where I don't want to be late and pushing the speed a bit.  I'm not immune, but it doesn't mean it's any less dumb.  I don't judge anyone for speeding unless they're being unsafe about it.  Even then I don't really judge, I just stay far away from them.

Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/22/22 10:12 p.m.
spitfirebill said:

In reply to frenchyd :

Your friend should go to court and see if he can plead down to a lesser charge, preferably a non-moving violation that won't give him points.  

That's the plan if you get tagged by a local twp in PA.  The actual fine is usually pretty minimal. It's the points nobody wants.  Twp DAs know this and are usually fine with changing the charge to a non-points ticket with the same fine. They don't care about the points - that's a State thing - they just want the money for the least amount of effort.

Otherwise, I'm with Curtis on the speeding thing.  I'll drive fast sometimes because I like driving fast.  But I generally try to avoid driving fast because I'm in a hurry.  That is a fool's game.

A 401 CJ
A 401 CJ SuperDork
4/22/22 11:04 p.m.
docwyte said:

I haven't really gotten a speeding ticket since I moved to Colorado 18 years ago.  I mostly stay in the metro area and go 5 over.  On the open highways the speed limits are 75mph and 80mph is a nice cruising speed.  I sped a lot more when I lived in Cape Cod, the speed limits on the freeways were much lower (55-65) and I was driving on them a lot to get to Boston or other places around New England.  I got a very expensive ticket in CT when I was active duty that really stung financially.  What was worse is the trooper let my friend in his 964 Turbo go by to nail me in a silver Passat, despite the fact my friend had just been doing 150+ mph.

My wife owns/runs a daycare center.  She has room for 55 kids, her wait list right now is 360 kids deep.  She's talking about not giving tours anymore as there's no reason to, she won't be able to get their kids in for 18-24 months.

Your 964 friend didn't have to outrun the cops.  He just had to outrun you.

spedracer New Reader
4/23/22 1:20 a.m.

In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :

The math argument resonates with me, and certainly slowed me down around town. That said, your "long trip" example is off by quite a bit, at least for the southwest. Its easy enough on big long stretches to do 20-30mph over, which does add up to real time saves on a 10+ hour trip. Completely screwed if caught, but when there's 0 traffic, the road is completely straight, you can see the next 2 hours of driving because its completely flat, and even if you did go offroading there's literally nothing to hit, it can be hard not to goose it for a bit if you're in the right car/bike.

frenchyd MegaDork
4/23/22 1:10 p.m.
Ian F (Forum Supporter) said:
spitfirebill said:

In reply to frenchyd :

Your friend should go to court and see if he can plead down to a lesser charge, preferably a non-moving violation that won't give him points.  

That's the plan if you get tagged by a local twp in PA.  The actual fine is usually pretty minimal. It's the points nobody wants.  Twp DAs know this and are usually fine with changing the charge to a non-points ticket with the same fine. They don't care about the points - that's a State thing - they just want the money for the least amount of effort.

Otherwise, I'm with Curtis on the speeding thing.  I'll drive fast sometimes because I like driving fast.  But I generally try to avoid driving fast because I'm in a hurry.  That is a fool's game.

I understand the pressure he's under.  He has to be to work on time and get the kids off to day care.   There  just isn't enough time to do both.    
  A reasonable boss wouldn't give him grief and threaten to fire him.  But some bosses seem to like to train new people. I mean look at all the people who are looking for a job.   

Curtis73 (Forum Supporter)
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/23/22 1:41 p.m.
spedracer said:

In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :

The math argument resonates with me, and certainly slowed me down around town. That said, your "long trip" example is off by quite a bit, at least for the southwest. Its easy enough on big long stretches to do 20-30mph over, which does add up to real time saves on a 10+ hour trip. Completely screwed if caught, but when there's 0 traffic, the road is completely straight, you can see the next 2 hours of driving because its completely flat, and even if you did go offroading there's literally nothing to hit, it can be hard not to goose it for a bit if you're in the right car/bike.

Well, the trip I referenced is from the mountains of PA through the highlands of MD and then the Mountains of WV.  Even if you knew there were no speed traps on the entire trip, the constant up/down, left/right is not something you can really do at high speeds.  Heck, some of the curves on that trip you can't even really do 65 unless you're in something that handles better than average.

I always did love that stretch of I-15 from Baker CA to Vegas.  Pop up over a hill, no cars, no speed traps, nothing but 5 miles of straight asphalt in sight.  That's when I speed.  Low risk of getting caught, and if I die I'm only taking myself with me.

frenchyd MegaDork
4/23/22 3:16 p.m.

In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :

First speeding ticket ever given?   
1896.  In Kent England for traveling 8 mph 4x speed limit.  Was caught by an officer on a Bicycle.  Fine 1 shilling.  

stuart in mn
stuart in mn MegaDork
4/23/22 8:15 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

I figured that out years ago, so I just stick with the flow on the highway.  Getting there a couple minutes early isn't worth the added stress.

Appleseed MegaDork
4/23/22 9:22 p.m.

Just remember, for every ticket you've gotten, there has been at least 10 times you should have gotten a ticket doing something blatantly stupid RIGHT IN FRONT OF A COP...and didn't.

frenchyd MegaDork
4/23/22 9:51 p.m.
stuart in mn said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

I figured that out years ago, so I just stick with the flow on the highway.  Getting there a couple minutes early isn't worth the added stress.

That's fine, it it's just getting there.  But if like him you're crunched every day between day care and getting to work on time.  
Every single work day.  Add children who just want a few more moments with Daddy,  maybe a teacher  who needs to discuss something about a payment or conduct or a school fund raising, anything.  
   Then a Boss who fixated on the time clock as if a minute or two is a personal insult. 
      I've had that sort of situation, really haven't we all?   

frenchyd MegaDork
4/23/22 10:53 p.m.
Appleseed said:

Just remember, for every ticket you've gotten, there has been at least 10 times you should have gotten a ticket doing something blatantly stupid RIGHT IN FRONT OF A COP...and didn't.

I once had a police officer forgive me for one big massive speeding ticket.  
     I was speeding ( 105 ) across Arizona. Desperately trying to get back to base before my leave expired. 
   It's the one where I got to say goodbye to my father just before cancer took him.  My appendix ruptured  and they wheeled him down to the recovery floor I was on.  And we huggged as only a father and son can each filled with tubes.  This was the first time we'd seen each other since I went to Vietnam. ( first tour)  Dad was a combat Veteran in WW 2 and came ashore in France so he understood neither of us had to say a word about those horrors. He just looked me in the eyes and I saw that understanding, nothing more was said.  
  Back to the speeding ticket. He had me cold.   I didn't even try to excuse it.  
      He just looked at me and said, " better make it a good one son". 
     I showed him my leave papers and the leave extension etc. but it clearly said 07:00 tomorrow morning.  
  He went back to his car and was on the radio for what seemed a long time. I assumed getting a Paddy wagon  etc. 

OK I've got you cleared through the California border. Except near flagstaff at mile marker??  They've got radar set up there so slow down to the limit as you go through there.  Drive safe, good luck. 
     As he gave me a shoo shoo motion. 
 Yep at mile marker?? Slowed down. A mile or so later back up to 105.  ( that's as fast as a Vega would go ) 

  I slowed down getting in line at the California border ( border check ). An officer saw my car pointed at me and pointed out of line.    You can well imagine what I was thinking. 
      But the officer saw me slowing down and waved his arm at me motioning me to him.  Then turned sideways and gave me the put your foot into it motion. A tentative increase in speed and he repeated it again more firmly . Then pointed to the one with the gate raised as I went through the guy behind the glass gave me a little tentative wave. 
   I made it back with 8 minutes to spare.  Thanks to that police officer. 

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
4/23/22 10:59 p.m.
M2Pilot said:

The last speeding ticket I got was in 1978. I was in NC going to Richmond to get a marriage license.  Talk about poor decisions.  I think God was trying to tell me something.

That's kind of ironic, since my last speeding ticket was in 1995 on my way from Gainesville, Florida to Waynesville, North Carolina to get married.

I knew about the speed traps on that stretch of highway, and was driving below the speed limit. Got pulled over in the town of Lawtey and ticketed anyway.

I was in Vet School and didn't feel like I could take the time off to go to court. I did send a letter to the judge, and a couple of months later I saw an article in the paper that the judge was throwing out every ticket that went to court from those towns. 


KyAllroad MegaDork
4/24/22 11:15 a.m.

I do have a problem with the utter randomness of it.  Two of my friends drive like utter lunatics and literally never get speeding tickets.    I drive pretty reasonably and get my appropriate share.  Tiger mom drives very conservatively and has gotten two recently (one was for 34 in a 25.  Seriously?  At 34 mph the car would be able to stop in it's own length.)

With the vast majority of traffic infractions going un-noticed and un-punished, getting tagged can feel very unfair and reminds us that the ticketing process is simply a money grab.    If the "authorities" wanted to actually control vehicle speeds it could be done in short order with either speed cameras or electronically governing vehicle speed.  (The latter is probably coming soon.  Enjoy your last decade of freedom to drive your own speed.)

Steve_Jones Dork
4/24/22 11:35 a.m.
frenchyd said:
stuart in mn said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

I figured that out years ago, so I just stick with the flow on the highway.  Getting there a couple minutes early isn't worth the added stress.

That's fine, it it's just getting there.  But if like him you're crunched every day between day care and getting to work on time.  
Every single work day.  Add children who just want a few more moments with Daddy,  maybe a teacher  who needs to discuss something about a payment or conduct or a school fund raising, anything.  
   Then a Boss who fixated on the time clock as if a minute or two is a personal insult. 
      I've had that sort of situation, really haven't we all?   

You keep making excuses for situations he put himself into. Everyone has E36 M3 to deal with, should we all be allowed to speed? As far as being late everyday, late is late. If you can't be there on time, change something, maybe negotiate working 9:30 to 5:30. Don't just expect others to accept your excuses. 

You seem to think the boss is an shiny happy person vs the guy that shows up late everyday, why? If there was a parent that was late getting his kid on your bus everyday, which throws off your schedule, are you the shiny happy person for not "understanding" or is the parent?

Curtis73 (Forum Supporter)
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/24/22 11:51 a.m.
frenchyd said:
stuart in mn said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

I figured that out years ago, so I just stick with the flow on the highway.  Getting there a couple minutes early isn't worth the added stress.

That's fine, it it's just getting there.  But if like him you're crunched every day between day care and getting to work on time.  
Every single work day.  Add children who just want a few more moments with Daddy,  maybe a teacher  who needs to discuss something about a payment or conduct or a school fund raising, anything.  
   Then a Boss who fixated on the time clock as if a minute or two is a personal insult. 
      I've had that sort of situation, really haven't we all?   

We have, but like I mentioned the math doesn't work.  People are perceiving that going faster gets them there quicker but it really doesn't.  It just ends up making you 30 seconds less late and a potentially unsafe driver.  It's in drivers' heads.  The possibility of making an incredibly dangerous situation on the road to save a few seconds is so disproportionate.

I realize I'm probably in a more privileged situation, but if his boss is legit concerned about 30 seconds and making his life miserable (and making him feel as though he needs to be a danger on the road) it might be time to examine some life choices.  This isn't the 1920s.

We are only in situations that we choose.  Life sucks sometimes and you feel like you don't have a choice and I get it, but being sour because a cop gave him a ticket because he was speeding and then saying he had to because mean boss is a royal stretch.  I feel for them, I do, but all of this superfluous stacking of external woes isn't why.

Teacher wants to talk?  Great.  Here's my number and I'm available at 6:15 pm
Boss wants to bitch about being one minute late?  Great, let's have a meeting.  "Boss, I'm struggling because kids/traffic/money and I need you to understand that I'm not going to kill myself, my child, or another innocent driver driving like a dinkwad just because you get your knickers in a twist."  If the boss can't understand something as simple as factual information and wants to dwell on one minute, that boss can pound sand.  Normally I would say that the phrase "get another job" is ableist and privileged, but every dang company is begging people to work for $20/hr right now.

You make your bed and you lay in it.  He broke the law because he chose to be in a situation that caused him to feel the need to break a law.  If I'm ever in a life where I feel the need every day to break the law and potentially endanger other people's lives, just shoot me.

docwyte PowerDork
4/24/22 3:11 p.m.
spedracer said:

In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :

The math argument resonates with me, and certainly slowed me down around town. That said, your "long trip" example is off by quite a bit, at least for the southwest. Its easy enough on big long stretches to do 20-30mph over, which does add up to real time saves on a 10+ hour trip. Completely screwed if caught, but when there's 0 traffic, the road is completely straight, you can see the next 2 hours of driving because its completely flat, and even if you did go offroading there's literally nothing to hit, it can be hard not to goose it for a bit if you're in the right car/bike.

20-30mph over the limit out here in the Southwest means you're doing 100-110mph.  Even though the road looks straight and empty that's just outside of my comfort zone on a public road.  There's still wild life and maybe you do run across someone else on a motorcycle/bicycle/car that you just didn't see.  Plus most troopers aren't particularly keen on those types of speeds, get the wrong guy and your car could get impounded.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
4/24/22 3:17 p.m.

In reply to docwyte :

I will never forget the time a friend and I went to Tulsa for RXNC in his Subaru 2.5RS.  Perfect car for the cut and thrust cornering in the bridgeworks in the St. Louis area crossing the River.  Shortly after that, it was his turn to drive and there is a whole lot of Missouri to go through before you get to Oklahoma.

We're tooling along at about 85-90, only car on the road from horizon to horizon on I44 through some rolling hills.  A car comes up in the mirror.  White Zephyr blows past us, elderly couple inside, they had to have been doing at least buck-fifteen, probably more.  What is the speed limiter on one of those? smiley

759NRNG UberDork
4/24/22 4:11 p.m.

What was that phrase from CannonBall Run ??? ......"Whatsa  behinda me now she a no matter" is my mantra for putting the 'law abiding' throng probably on their phones out of sight.

frenchyd MegaDork
4/24/22 4:38 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:
frenchyd said:
stuart in mn said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:

Here's what always got me if you mathify it.

I figured that out years ago, so I just stick with the flow on the highway.  Getting there a couple minutes early isn't worth the added stress.

That's fine, it it's just getting there.  But if like him you're crunched every day between day care and getting to work on time.  
Every single work day.  Add children who just want a few more moments with Daddy,  maybe a teacher  who needs to discuss something about a payment or conduct or a school fund raising, anything.  
   Then a Boss who fixated on the time clock as if a minute or two is a personal insult. 
      I've had that sort of situation, really haven't we all?   

You keep making excuses for situations he put himself into. Everyone has E36 M3 to deal with, should we all be allowed to speed? As far as being late everyday, late is late. If you can't be there on time, change something, maybe negotiate working 9:30 to 5:30. Don't just expect others to accept your excuses. 

You seem to think the boss is an shiny happy person vs the guy that shows up late everyday, why? If there was a parent that was late getting his kid on your bus everyday, which throws off your schedule, are you the shiny happy person for not "understanding" or is the parent?

OK Steve.  Glad to hear where you are no one speeds.  
      I'll tell him that he should  quit a job he's got 10+ years working at because his boss gives him grief.  
  That every conversation should have a schedule time .  Any other suggestions he needs to follow to receive your approval?    

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
4/24/22 4:56 p.m.

The part that everyone neglects is the random enforcement of laws.  Trust me when I say 90% of you don't care about laws but just about virtue signaling.  More laws are being broken today than at any point in history and you say nothing. I bring it up and the whining always commences.  You don't care.  You just like giving Frenchy crap because his friend got busted.  It's a crap situation.  In all likelihood his friend didn't actually break a law too.  He is just gonna pay up and feed the corruption machine and you all will applaud and pat each other on the back for superior virtue.  

Don't confuse your own carefully curated perception with actual law.  It's gross.  

Steve_Jones Dork
4/24/22 6:19 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

You see the guy get pulled over and have no other facts. You ASSUME it is for speeding, you ASSUME he got a ticket, you ASSUME his boss gives him E36 M3 for being late, you make a bunch of excuses, and now it's my fault. I love it. 

Again I'll ask. From what I read you drive a school bus and are on a schedule. If a parent is late to the bus stop every day, are you as the bus driver an shiny happy person or is that parent? It's a simple question. 

You mentioned he always brings your tools back clean, what if he didn't and gave you the same excuses you're making for him here, that would be ok right? After all, he has reasons

Steve_Jones Dork
4/24/22 6:24 p.m.

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

Frenchy is the only one assuming his friend got busted and got a ticket. All we know is one guy here saw another talking to a cop, we have no clue if he did or did not break any laws and if he did or did not get a fine. You're also assuming the same, why?


Appleseed MegaDork
4/24/22 10:41 p.m.

In reply to 759NRNG :

Raul Julia from Gumball Rally.

Rips off the rear view mirror from the Daytona, "First rule of Italian driving: what is behind me is not important !"


AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
4/24/22 11:56 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

Frenchy is the only one assuming his friend got busted and got a ticket. All we know is one guy here saw another talking to a cop, we have no clue if he did or did not break any laws and if he did or did not get a fine. You're also assuming the same, why?


You are correct; we don't know and that is my point.  No one hear actually cares about laws being broken. Until we see a citation with a cited code this is a giant nothing burger.  Even then it's an unproven allegation. Most traffic code doesn't contain the word "speeding" either.  

There are millions of laws being broken in this country or specific laws being broken millions of times and you can't even discuss it.  If you do it here you will get thread locked or banned. So spare us all "the don't break the law" posturing.  It is nausea inducing in this day and age.  Many of you applaud the lawlessness openly when it suits you.  

In this case the OP should ask if there is a citation and then read the actual law cited on the citation / summons. Based on that and the facts, a course of action can be decided.  I will say it again:  READ.  Reading has saved me many traffic citations.  I've had a few dismissed easily.

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