Recently replaced the #2 lower control arms on my IS300, took it to firestone for my alignment (lifetime) and now my steering rack squeaks. It sounds like it's coming from the driver's side inner tie rod. I've used this shop before without issue, is this just coincidence? Or did they loosen too much something when they were dialing it in? Is my rack bad? How to diagnose?
I have no understanding of steering systems other than look for leaks, keep the power steering pump happy with clean fluid every few years and replacing tie rod ends.
Check the boots (inner and outer) Maybe see if you can have someone turn the wheel slowly side to side while you watch/listen.
yeah, more info is needed I suppose. I'd tend to think it's not coincidental timing though. Does the squeak go away through the turning stroke? Is it there in both directions of steering? It could be a lot of things really.
Maybe something got overtightened?
But... but... but... my car makes a noise! lol sorry for the vagueness. I had it jacked up and it wasn't making the noise lock to lock, soon as it was on the ground it squeaked. Sounded like it was coming from the boot area where the inner tie rod was on the driver side. I hear it when turning either direction but more so when I turn left at low speeds.
The inspection sheet they gave me with the alignment noted I was slightly low on PS fluid, that was topped off when I got it home. Ball joints and tie rod ends were replaced with quality parts about 40-50k ago but with the #2 lower control arm bushings being so sloppy who knows.
Will take a video of it this weekend and post it.
I have had an alignment shop twist the crap out of my steering rack boots, check that they aren't twisted up. Can't think of anything else they might have done.
Here's a video of it creaking, I can turn the steering wheel with it on jackstands and it won't make noise but pushing the wheels causes it to make noise even in the air. Boots don't look twisted to me but there seems to be evidence of dampness on the passenger side boot, but we did have rains recently and my fluid level seems fine?
1/7/13 1:15 a.m.
Man, I have the same noise coming from my Saab. Replaced both CVs recently, and the creak mysteriously disappeared for about a week; now it's back. I thought it was a bad balljoint or tie-rod end for sure, but they all seem fine.
1/7/13 4:28 a.m.
Maybe cheap tie rods with out grease or something, sounds like metal on metal contact to me
My wifes POS Cruiser's tie rods went out before 50K or so and where bone dry. Your mileage may very depending on how cheap the tie rods were.
1/15/13 3:16 a.m.
DuctTape&Bondo, did you end up figuring this one out?
I had my Saab up on jackstands today, turning the wheel from lock to lock, and was not able to produce the noise. However, once I put the car back on the ground...the creak disappeared completely.