A) Why are you so cheap?
B) Why do you get so butthurt when you complain about anything related to Subaru?
C) Why do you think everything else on the road is inferior to your Japanese version of a 1980s Pontiac? As in why do you think Subaru is the only good autox vehicle in the world?
By far one of the worst automotive communities I've ever dealt with in my life.
Made a statement on a forum that I'd rather have my Si back and holy that blew some people's mental gaskets.
Made a complaint about Subaru interior quality like I have before on here and same result as before.
Maybe this should go in off-topic...
3/18/13 1:09 a.m.
Haha I know what you mean, the interiors suck! Ditto for the rest of what you said... 
3/18/13 4:38 a.m.
Yes, they are cheap. When I tried selling off my wheels/tires and other leftover parts I got lowballed more than Craigslist (where I eventually sold them).
NASIOC makes my head hurt. Glad I don't have Subys anymore and have to deal with that crowd.
You were on the wrong forum.
I like them because of parts interchangeability and ease of maintenance/repair. I never thought the interior on my '97 was particularly E36 M3ty.
And lastly there were some decent Pontiacs in the 80's!...well they had potential.
New Reader
3/18/13 6:02 a.m.
Why do you use forums to complain?
Maybe that's why my post count is so low?

Yeah, going to a marque specific forum and complaining about that marque is rarely going to get you much love.
<Subaru fanboi
The only thing worse than the interior quality, incessant build quality issues(headgaskets, 02 sensors, wheel bearings, clutch chatter, etc) and lack of engineering advancement since '89 is...
... the scene since the WRX launched in the US. Good God what a E36 M3show. Everyone is an elitist knowitall asshat, the used parts prices on the boards are utterly insane, and I'm sick of straight piped STis racing past my kids' bedroom window at 1am.
That said, I'm enjoying my clapped out cable clutch '95 Outback more than many cars that came before it, and dig the hunt for junkyard bits from newer cars to spruce this one up.
Love the cars, hate the drivers, and the best Subaru boards are rs25.com and ultimatesubaru.org. NASIOC can burn.
MrJoshua wrote:
Yeah, going to a marque specific forum and complaining about that marque is rarely going to get you much love.
Exactly right. I also find that a lot of people that complain about quality and broken parts bought a 10 year old used WRX with 120K miles on it that's already been beat to hell and back with crazy mods from a previous owner.
Ian F
3/18/13 7:48 a.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
By far one of the worst automotive communities I've ever dealt with in my life.
Go spend some time in the E30 community... I used to joke the VWVortex was the VW "poortex". Then I bought an E30... those guys make the Vortex look mature...
Subaru people aren't nearly as bad as VW fanbois. 
3/18/13 8:05 a.m.
In reply to Ian F:
In my few bits of time inbetween being banned on bf.c, that elitest feeling was all over the damn place. Basically then, if you didn't have an //M you were instantly inferior.
I will admit to being a BMW fanboi.. but I do NOT have anything to do with the BMW community. the Signal to Noise ratio on places like Bimmerforums is so bad that any good information there is completely lost.
it even managed to get worse once "stance" came about
ValuePack wrote:
Love the cars, hate the drivers, and the best Subaru boards are rs25.com and ultimatesubaru.org. NASIOC can burn.
I will agree with ultimatesubaru.org. When I had my '86 DL Coupe, even though I never drove it, that place was extremely helpful and the members didn't seem to be shiny happy people.
The only problem I have with the Older Subaru Model community like USMB, is that there is a lot of "Oh these cars are starting to become obsolete and we need to save them and blah blah blah" well when I wanted to get rid of my DL as a fixer upper or parts car, the $200 asking price was too much or nobody (I mean NOBODY) had a truck and trailer, their only vehicles were a fleet of 80's Subarus.
:shrug: That is why I don't spend a lot of time on subaru boards unless I need to.
I AM a subaru fanboy. I agree the interior is cheap. I think I scratched mine the first week I owned it. Bit of downgrade from the Audi's I had.
I like 'em because there are pretty easy to work on for me. Parts interchange between the 3 subies I own. I don't think they are superior to everything on the road. I think they are more of a jack of all trades type of car, not particularly awesome at any one thing.
They like to rust and that makes me sad, other than that I'm pretty happy with mine, but I don't think the embody perfection.
I am a recovering Subaru Fanboi. 
I had a 2002 WRX and a 2009 WRX. I always look back on the 2002 fondly, but in reality, it was a piece of garbage. It was easy to mod and pretty fast but it always had some weird thing break or go wrong, like the seat frame snapping or the rear diff that howled at exactly 62mph in any gear. But at the time, I drank the Kool-Aid and didn't care. Yes, I'd probably buy another one. 
The 2009 on the other hand is what turned me off from Subarus. On paper, it seemed great: a genuine 13-second all-season daily driver for around $25k? I signed up, and I regret that. The car had extremely shoddy build quality, rattly interior, transmission, clutch, pedal (yes the effing pedals!!!) and turbo issues, and would always vibrate at highway speeds no matter how many times I balanced the wheels or aligned the car. The dealers wanted thousands of dollars just to diagnose some of the issues, even with the "Subaru Gold Plus" warranty that I paid extra for. Good riddance to that turd.
When I badmouthed the car on NASIOC, that opened the flood gates. How could I crap on the greatest car in the universe? HOW DARE ME!!!!
I still post over there, but only in the Off-Topic section, where all the other disgruntled former Subaru owners hang out. Most of those guys get it, and some are even GRMers too. 
I now daily drive a Mazda 3, and my only regret is not buying the excellent Mazdaspeed 3 instead of that last WRX. I would have bought it when I bought my current one, but I wanted fancy schmancy features and better gas mileage this time around. 
I see many of you have never pointed your browser to ClubRoadster.
3/18/13 9:29 a.m.
I sold them for 5 years and my father has a legacy GT... The vast majority of owners think they are the fastest, best cars ever made, autocrossers seem to be the worst of the worst. IF your car is so superior why did I just beat you in a mustang with suspension by John Deer?
3/18/13 9:31 a.m.
In reply to SilverFleet:
thats what a guy locally did, turned a brand new sti into a ms3 after subaru refused his ringland failure 5k mi engine.....
There is also a local guy who won Street Mod Street Tire locally last year in a 08wrx, he's all sorts of pissy due to the past champion of the class returning with his ITR.....I can't wait to hear the "Dude, quit being gay and go to SMF" comments this year. 
3/18/13 9:39 a.m.
Every single forum has its annoying and not-so annoying fanboys, even GRM.
Case in point:
Miatas are over-priced, little cheaply-made, rusty tin-cans for girls and gay-guys.
BMW E36's are the ultimate driving machine, if they could only spend more than 5 miles on the road without problems from the bio-degradable wiring and the cooling system with more leaking problems than a 90 year-old german engineer.

Won't be long.
3/18/13 9:42 a.m.
In reply to fanfoy:
QFT SAABARU BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Having an 08 WRX I absolutly hate the Subaru forum community. I have never seen so much hate for just asking a question. And this is after coming from the BMW community and owning a 318is which many BMW purists considered to not be BMWs. I will admit that the build quality isn't there 100% but I still ahve no major complaints about it. The gearbox was the biggest adjustment switching over from a nice smooth Getrag. For me it's my DD and serves the purpose just fine, and has that nice fun factor to it. It definitely needs some work with the suspension to make pushing it hard fun. Overall I still really like it and have had zero issues with it after putting on about 35,000 in a year and a half.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to SilverFleet:
thats what a guy locally did, turned a brand new sti into a ms3 after subaru refused his ringland failure 5k mi engine.....
There is also a local guy who won Street Mod Street Tire locally last year in a 08wrx, he's all sorts of pissy due to the past champion of the class returning with his ITR.....I can't wait to hear the "Dude, quit being gay and go to SMF" comments this year.
Should we tell him that i'm running the first half of the season in SMS as well?
3/18/13 9:54 a.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
Well, you aren't on facebook to have seen his wahburger and crys session.....
To those around the midwest, indianaimpreza is a pretty good "level headed" forum, as long as you're not saying how awesome your new BRZ is....
nobody has a worse online presence than the Panther chassis community. NOBODY.
belteshazzar wrote:
nobody has a worse online presence than the Panther chassis community. NOBODY.

Oddly enough, I enjoy trolling the Box forums on occasion. Pictured car belongs to a member here, haven't seen him on in a while.