Has anyone had experience with the cheap Summit Racing seats? How do they hold up in case of a roll over?
Also what kind of worries are there with a Briggs and Stratton 8hp that has been sitting for 10 years? Should we just tear the engine down or can we just get away with changing the oil?
Can't speak to the seat.
If that B&H engine has been stored correctly I'd bet you could just put in fresh fluids and fire it up. I would squirt some oil down the cylinder and ensure it's sitting so as for the oil to drain down past the rings. Maybe a shot of kroll or PB blaster to loosen the rings against the cydlinder wall? Fresh gas, new plug, then crank it!
btw - Don't put too much fluid in the cylinder. Just enough to loosen it up. Fill the cylinder with liquid and then try to start it and you'll break something. Liquid doesn't compress.
Go-kart project in the making?
The cheap summit seats are plastic and designed to be mounted to a rollcage. I'm not sure they have much structural integrity on their own and I don't think they would (or are designed to) hold up in a roll over. They are not particularly comfortable, being bare plastic, but a padded vinyl cover improves things slightly.
The engine, I'd change oil and put fresh gas in, put a cap full of oil through the spark plug, maybe a squirt of starting fluid on the air filter, and crank her up. If it runs its fine, if not, then worry about why. Don't go putting the kart before the horse.
10/7/09 1:59 p.m.
...pictures or you're lying... 
This is for a 10 year old Baja SAE vehicle. We just restarted the club and want to get the old running in order to do testing. The reason I asked about hte seat is because that is seat we have on it and these vehicles have a tendancy to roll.