And we're done. Lots of action on the last day apparently.
Modern: Well, we've heard about the 240. Shame. Matt Oldford kept it together and won Modern with a total of 2:53 in penalties. Second was Stan Hartling in his Lotus Exige at 3:39. The GT2 came in third in 4:42. Lots of penalties in the last day and not a lot of really close finishes. Great race, though. Much better than the slow motion 0:00 vs 0:01 races of years past. And a lot of attrition.
In Open, things finished as expected. Jim Kenzie kept his nose clean and came home with the win. If I'm reading the results correctly, he was assigned the maximum time for the last two stages which means something went wrong - but even that wasn't enough for Roy and Adrienne to catch up. They closed to within 2.5 minutes but that's as close as they could come.
Classic went to Scott Giannou. He's well due for a win. Bob Yulle in the Camaro must have gone off as he picked up a big slug of penalties on the third stage. Nobody else was close enough to pick him off, so Bob has second.
In GT, Townsley/Fuhrmann took the win with only 2 seconds of penalties over the entire week. Even more impressive, they're running Unequipped. Somebody's good with a stopwatch. Crant/Russell won Equipped with 9 seconds. Unfortunately, both Miatas are showing DNF for some reason. I'm waiting to hear from the teams to find out what happened. On of them DNF'd the second stage, the other was DNS on the third. More to come there.
Gratuitous Miata shot. Sponsored by Flyin' Miata, you know. I'll have a report on how well the V-Maxx did later.

The classic Brigus stage. See that fence on the right in the background? In 2008, 5 cars went through that fence. Including car 0, the stage opening car. Ooops. Here's the S2000-powered Escort, obviously back up and running.

Nice distance on that one! Gordon (the event photographer) wasn't taking pictures on this bridge in 2008. I wish he had been, I'd have it made up as a poster.

ACP put in another flying day (get it? Ha!), faster than anyone but Matt Oldford. He finished the event in 5th in Modern.

The winner in Modern, and not without a fight.

Scott Giannou.

Lots of great airtime pictures here: I can't find one of the GT winners, sorry.
This just kind of sums up what it feels like after you cross the finish.

The post party at the Keg on the waterfront. Jim Kenzie shows off his finisher's medallion.